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Welcome To Stock Traders Daily.  This tutorial is meant to help current users, new members, and promotional clients understand how to use the system which we have developed.  We expect our Trading System to continue to be accurate, and we expect it to continue to provide excellent results to our clients in the form of achievable profits, so long as the system is followed.  We expect you to read through this tutorial entirely before making any decisions about our service.  Only after understanding the concepts in this tutorial will you be able to evaluate our service properly.

Each of the lessons included here are meant to be taken in order.  Start with #1 and continue through the end.  We have included duration estimates for each tutorial as well.  Accelerated users with increased rate of retention and affordable time schedules could tackle these topics faster than the proposed duration listed below however.  Regardless, we expect that each topic in this tutorial will take no longer than 1 hour per day to complete.

After the first few lessons you should know if Stock Traders Daily is right for you.

Review each of these lessons in order by clicking the title in the Topic Column:


    Description Hours
1. Summary This lesson summarizes the underlying concept behind our approach to the Market.  It should be used as starting point so that you understand the goals which we want to achieve. 1
2. Day Trading Alerts This lesson introduces you to our Automated Day Trading Alerts pages. N/A
3. Swing Trading Alerts This lesson introduces you to our Automated Swing Trading Alerts pages. N/A
4. Long Term Trading Analysis This lesson shows you where to find our Long Term Trading Analysis. N/A
5. Individual Stock Analysis This lesson tells you where to find our technical analysis and trading recommendations on individual stocks. N/A
6. Terms and References This lesson will help you become familiar with the terms that we use and the references that we make on a regular basis in our Daily Reports and Analysis.  This also can be used as a reference but it should be reviewed thoroughly first. 2
7. Technical Analysis This lesson will help you understand the basic concepts behind Technical Analysis and it will tell you what you need to know about Technical Analysis in order to use our system. 1
8. Market Timing This lesson will help you understand why accurate Market Timing is so important to finding success trading stocks.  It will also provide some insight to our methodology. 0.5
9. Our Website This lesson will help you navigate our Website.  The most important reference points will be made clear, and you will be directed to them accordingly. 0.5
10. Finding Day Trading Triggers This lesson will help you identify the trading triggers which occur from the trading Parameters that we offer day trades.  The approach is risk-conscious. 1
11. Finding Day Trading Ideas This lesson will help you understand where and how to find Day Trading Ideas when Trading Triggers occur.  This lesson will walk you through the process. 1
12. Finding Swing Trading Triggers This lesson will help you identify the trading triggers which occur from the trading Parameters that we offer for swing trades.  The approach is risk-conscious. 1
13. Finding Swing Trading Ideas This lesson will help you understand where and how to find Swing Trading Ideas when Trading Triggers occur.  This lesson will walk you through the process. 1
14. Longer Term Trading Parameters This lesson will help you understand what Longer Term Trading Parameters are and it will help you understand how to use the Longer Term Trading Parameters once you have them. 0.5
15. Asset Allocation This lesson will show you exactly why proper asset allocation, as we define it, is so important to achieving success using our system.  Allocation formulas are provided. 1
16. The Parameters & Market Timing This lesson will tie together all of the previous lessons and it will be the 'exit exam' that will allow you to graduate to the next level, where you will begin to trade. 1
17. Paper Trading This is more of a discipline than a lesson.  In this section you will begin to use our system AS IF you were using real money, but instead you will only do it on paper. 3
18. Using Real Money Once you start making money on paper consistently by using our system you will be prepared to start using real money to trade along with our system. .......

* Hours: Estimated Duration in Days (1 hour per day)

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