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 Tutorial, Lesson: #18

Estimated Duration: 3 Days

Notes: In this lesson you will begin to paper trade using our system.

Paper Trading.

Paper Trading is the practice of Trading Stocks on Paper as if you were using real money. You do NOT use real money when paper trading. The objective of paper trading is to help you understand how to use our system before you begin to use real money. Only after you understand how to use the system, and only after you have begun to make money on paper, should you begin to use real money to trade with.

Guidelines for paper trading:

  1. Expect to follow the markets closely.
  2. Make sure you have a notepad available at all times.
  3. Determine if you are following Day Trades or Swing Trades. If you want both take 1 at a time.
  4. When a trading trigger comes from the Market Parameters take the appropriate action by filtering the Focus List for Trading Ideas and record the proposed trades on paper.
  5. Record your gains and losses every day.
  6. Repeat this process for at least 3 days.
  7. Write down all of the questions that you have for each trade and make notes to explain your questions if needed.
  8. Set up a phone meeting with a Stock Traders Daily representative to answer your questions.

The phone meeting is important. At this time you should have an understanding of our strategies, and you should understand most of the basic concepts. This phone meeting should tie up any remaining points of concern. To schedule a phone meeting send a request to

After this lesson you should begin to use real money. Therefore, if you need to do so, repeat this lesson.


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