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 The Rules of Swing Trading
  1. Before you begin to swing trade with out system review the tutorial.
  2. Define your assets and allocate your cash strategically.
  3. Have enough cash for 4 positions in your swing trading account.
  4. Swing Trades typically last longer than 1 day although they may be opened and closed in the same day.
  5. Always know when to initiate a trade and always know when you will exit a trade before you enter any trade.
  6. Anytime you enter a swing trade, use a $0.25 stop loss in case the trade starts going against you.
  7. If at any time you have gains that exceed $1 in any swing trade make sure that you do not let the stock turn lower and make sure that you don't lose those gains.  You may want to simply execute a close order or initiate a profit stop, this is up to you.  The point is that you don't let a winning trade turn into a losing one.
  8. Be willing to balance your trade if needed.
  9. Overweighting positions (long or short) should occur as indicated by the 5-point rule (In the tutorial).
  10. Contrarian swing trades are often most rewarding, although momentum stocks should not be overlooked.
  11. We never trade more than 4 positions at one time.
  12. Monitor recent news events and understand which of the stocks you follow are moving because of news.
  13. If a swing trade is stopped it can be re-triggered up to 4 times before it is deemed unworthy of an additional attempt.

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