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The Nightly Newsletter


 Tutorial, Lesson: #9

Estimated Duration: 0.5 Day

Notes: You know where to find important pages on our Website after this lesson is complete.

Navigating our Website

This lesson is designed to tell you where to find important links on our website.

However, because our Website is currently under construction, we will simply provide direct links to the important pages below. After the reconstruction is complete (Target date 5.15.05) we will modify this page as appropriate.

All of the important links on this website can be found on the Clubsite Page:

Each of the links on that page are important, but they can be conceptualized as follows:

The first few links on the page linked above are instructional links and they should be reviewed.

After reviewing these, please look at the Market Timing and Trading Recommendations Table found in the link above.

The Newsletter link gives you some commentary in association with our technical analysis and it is intended to give you a 'warmer' feeling about technical analysis. Without much argument, Technical Analysis is a 'cold' science. We are using data points and rules to make decisions. We act on them, not on commentary or opinions. However, again, the Newsletter attempts at providing some commentary to you. It can be found in the table in the link above. Please read it every night before the Market the next day.

Included in that table are links to Day Trading Analysis, Swing Trading Analysis, and Longer Term Trading Analysis. Each of these are important individually. They should never be combined. If you want to engage swing trades for example, read the Swing Trading Analysis Page to learn when to enter swing trades. If you want Day Trades, look at the Day Trading Analysis Page. These pages provide you with appropriate Market timing. They tell you when to enter and exit trades.

The last link in that table is for Trading Ideas. This link tells you what to trade. In that link you will find our Focus List. Our Focus List has filters which allow you to find specific day trading ideas, swing trading ideas, and longer term trading ideas. However, the Focus List can ONLY be filtered when the Trading Analysis Pages tell you to filter them. When a trading signal comes from the trading analysis pages, then go to the Trading Ideas link and filter the Focus List as appropriate. The Trading Ideas link tells you what to trades.

Expect updates to this page in the near future.

For now though, bookmark the link referenced at the top of this page and review it every day.

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