Estimated Duration: 0.5 Day
Notes: You should grasp the importance of Market Timing
after reading this lesson.
Understanding Market Timing
Proper Market Timing separates successful traders from
all others.
The cliché 'Timing is everything' is very true
when the topic is trading the stock market. The reason
why is simple: If we make a trade at the wrong time
the stock we are trading could easily move against us
and we could easily lose money.
Therefore, quite intensely, Stock Traders Daily studies
the Markets in order to identify Proper Market Timing
for you. You will not need to evaluate the markets yourself
to determine proper Market Timing, again, we do that
for you. In fact, this is the key ingredient to our
service that should make it stand out from any competitor
that you may be considering.
Not only does Stock Traders Daily evaluate Proper Market
Timing for you, but we have been very accurate at pinpointing
Proper Market Timing in the past. This has provided
our clients with the tools that they need to make successful
trades. They are trading, in essence, at the right times.
In addition though, and sometimes more importantly,
this has also kept our clients from making trades at
the wrong times.
Making Trades at the wrong times will usually
cost you money.
Let's take a closer look at these tools:
We evaluate the Markets every day using a 3-Tier Technical
Analysis of the Market. From these Analysis, which you
should understand from the last lesson, we derive data
points which we call Trading Parameters. These Trading
Parameters are the essential trigger points which alert
us that a trade should be made. These Parameters are
what tell us when to buy and sell.
The Trading Parameters tell us how to time
the Market
The goal of Proper Market Timing is clearly to help
you achieve successful trades. However, a secondary
goal is to help you take the guesswork out of your trading
life. For example, if you know when you should be trading
(and when you shouldn't) then you won't second guess
your actions. Your trading discipline will be clear.
And your trading strategies can be implemented.
Proper Market Timing allows you to maintain
discipline and focus.
One of the toughest things to do as a trader is to
maintain your discipline. However, when you know in
advance when to trade your potential to stray from your
discipline is reduced significantly. This is a key element
in achieving success as a trader and it is a byproduct
of Proper Market Timing.
Let's review a few key points:
Proper Market Timing is a direct result of accurate
technical analysis.
We always trade when a Parameters is tested.
We never Trade unless a Parameter is tested.
Proper Market Timing limits the number of trades that
may be made (reduces commission costs).
Proper Market Timing keeps you in tune with the Market.
Proper Market Timing helps you maximize your returns.
Proper Market Timing keeps trading simple and understandable.
Proper Market timing influences you to remain disciplined.
Let's look ahead a little bit:
Finding the proper times to enter and exit the market
is fine. However, the next obvious question is: what
stocks should be traded when the Market is telling us
to trade (based on the parameters)? The answer is that
we need to find the proper timing in the stocks that
we follow too. We need to find stocks which are telling
us, based on their respective 3-Tier analysis, that
they should be traded as well.
This analysis is different for Day Trades, Swing Trades,
and Longer Term Trades.
Finding Trading Ideas using each of these Trading Styles
will be discussed in detail in the lessons that follow.
As you continue your tutorial, you will learn how to
use Proper Market Timing to find appropriate stocks
to trade when the Market is offering trading signals.
Please take a moment to review this lesson because
the forthcoming lessons require you to have an understanding
of all lessons to date, and this one tells you why the
disciplines discussed in the lessons that follow are