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 Tutorial, Lesson: #2

Estimated Duration: Ongoing

Notes: This lesson provides an understanding of our automated day trading system.

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Automated Day Trading Alerts:

Our Day Trading Alerts are based on a strict technical analysis of the markets.  These Day Trading Alerts pages encompass all of the strategies you will learn by reading this tutorial so that you don't have to re-think them while you trade.

The Day Trading Alerts pages do all of the work for you.

Each day we will issue a New Day Alert.  This will tell you what we are expecting from the market during the trading session.  However, regardless of what we expect, understand that we ONLY trade based on tests of support or resistance, so our comments should be considered secondary to our technical analysis, which is automatically incorporated into our alerts pages for you.

Here's how to use the Day Trading Alerts pages:

  1. Open the Day Trading Alert page that best suits your needs (descriptions below)
  2. Leave that page open (minimized) during your trading day. (If it is not open/minimized on your computer you won't hear the alerts.)
  3. When the Market is testing support or resistance the page will alert you with beeps that it is time to trade.
  4. Come to your computer when you hear the beeps and review the page.
  5. The page will automatically correlate the Focus List for you and it will provide you a list of 6 viable trading suggestions.
  6. Choose one of the stocks from the list and make a trade.

Important points:

  • Please paper trade before you use real money.
  • Read the rules on the day trading alerts page.
  • By dividing your assets appropriately (instructions are in the rules on the alerts page) you will know how many shares to use with each trade.

Different Alerts Pages:

We have 2 different Day Trading Alerts Pages.  The first is a hedged page, which incorporates both longs and shorts, and the second is a 'longs only' page which only offers long suggestions.  Here are some statistics on each:

  • Day Trading Alerts (hedged):  This page calls longs and shorts.  It averages about 5 trades per day.  When support levels are tested, and when resistance levels are tested, you will receive an alert.  There will be multiple alerts every day.  This is our most active alerts page.
  • Day Trading Alerts (longs only):  This page only makes long calls.  It averages about 2.5 trades per day.  You will not receive any alerts for shorts.  Trading notes will pop up in place of short alerts to keep you abreast of market direction, but there will not be any audible alert (no beeps).  This is ideal for retirement accounts, and for accounts restricted from initiating short positions.

Where to find the Day Trading Alerts Pages: 

All of the alerts pages and the analysis behind those day trading alerts pages are offered in the Day Trading link at the top of the page when you log into the platinum members area of the website.  In that same link you will find more detailed analysis as well.

What you should do:

While you continue to review the tutorial, you should monitor the Day Trading Alerts Page which best suits your goals.  Open that page and leave it open on your computer sot hat you can hear the beeps when they occur.  Paper trade the calls, and learn how to use the viewers.  Remember, these viewers do all the work for you, but that doesn't mean that your education should stop here.


Only by completing this tutorial will you completely understand why the alerts pages work the way they do.

Good Trading.

Stock Traders Daily.

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