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 Tutorial, Lesson: #15

Estimated Duration: 0.5 Days

Notes: You should understand how to identify Long Term Trading Opportunities after reviewing this section

Long term Trading

Before reading this section please understand that Stock Traders Daily does NOT offer fundamental research on any of the companies that we follow. Also understand that longer term investments require an understanding of the fundamentals of the companies being considered. The concept is simple, Longer Term Trades are investments, they are not simply trades. Therefore, please consult your financial advisors to help you determine what stocks should be part of your Longer Term Portfolio.

Stock Traders Daily tells you when to make longer term trades, but we do not tell you what stocks to invest in.

Longer Term Trading Parameters can be found in the Long Term Trading Analysis Page.

Typically, longer term positions are long positions (they are buys not shorts). Therefore we focus on buy signals in the referenced longer term Parameters.

We have buy signals at 2 different times:

  1. When support levels are tested.
  2. When resistance levels break higher.

Let's look at an example:

Long Term trading parameters for the NASDAQ exist between 1890 -2025

  • If 1890 breaks lower expect 1800
  • If 2025 breaks higher expect 2100
  • Otherwise expect 1890 - 2025

In this example we would have a buy signal if:

  1. the NASDAQ tested 1890.
  2. or 2025 began to break higher.

Depending on your objectives (consult your financial advisor) there may or may not be sell triggers for these longer term investments. You may want to hold these positions for a number of years.

Many people choose to use our analysis of longer term parameters to accurately time the entry levels for their longer term trades, but they do not use them for sell-triggers because their objectives are NOT to trade these positions. You must determine what your strategies are for longer term trading.

Please consult your Financial Advisor when evaluating your longer term postfolio.

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