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 Stock Filters and Analysis
   For March 20, 2006
Use this filter to find stocks that are the strongest or weakest stocks relative to the other 1300 stocks in our universe.  The results will provide you with the top 20 strongest, weakest, or neutral stocks in the term you choose. 

For Near term filters, the filter will consider the trend of the stocks within the last 5 days.  For mid term, the last 60 days.  For long term, the last 180 days.  You should expect the slop of the strongest stocks on the list to be upward sloping over that duration, weak stocks should have a down trend, and neutral stocks should be flat/sideways.

With these filters and the corresponding trading reports that we provide you should be able to easily identify potential long and short candidates and specific trading plans for the time frame you are interested in.

In addition, for ATAP users, the neutral near term option will show you a list of stocks which are trading back and forth within a near term channel.  These neutral channels can be excellent opportunities to channel trade using the ATAP system




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