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2008 Results for the Stock of the Week

(scroll down to review each trade)


Strategy and Details.

  • As of 12.28.08

  • Stock of the Week Strategy YTD = +60.82%

  • Annualized = +60.82%

  • Recommended Portfolio Size = $50K + Margin

  • 1000 shares per trade.

Every week we offer 1 trading recommendation which is intended to be followed for the entire week.  The recommended portfolio for this strategy is $50K.  This is an easy to follow strategy that virtually anyone can take advantage of.  We usually offer this recommendation on Sunday in our Nightly Newsletter for Monday.  Unless otherwise directed, the call is designed to be re-triggered if it is stopped throughout the week.  However, if it is still open by the Market's end on Friday, it should be closed and the week should be finished in cash.


This is a proactive strategy capable of providing opportunities in both up and down market environments.  Risk controls are integral to this strategy as well.  Here is a summary of benefits:

  • A Proactive Strategy
  • Opportunities in both up and down markets.
  • Risk controls are integral
  • Programmable trading strategies.
  • Automated Trading options.
  • Every week ends in cash.
  • Tools are offered which allow investors to find their own ideas as well.

The benefits of ending every week in cash is a huge benefit, but many new traders fail to recognize it.  This acts as a refresh for the mind.  Akin to taking a nap after a long day, ending every week in cash allows investors to start fresh every Monday, without the concerns that might otherwise linger from the week before.

This is an excellent strategy, and immediately actionable.


Here are the actual calls for 2008:


This call is for the week ending 1.2.09


COST (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 51.82, target 49.90, Stop Loss @ 52.08 SUMMARY

Rationale:  If resistance holds a pull back is likely to follow.  In addition, this call represents a tighter than normal spread because of the mid week holiday.  If the stock is triggered, then closes because 49.9 is tested, close the trade and do not repeat it.  If it is stopped, repeat the trade according to plan.

Monday:  COST triggered and we should be holding it according to plan.

Wednesday:  COST stopped once.  We should re-trigger it according to plan if it triggers again on Friday.

Friday:  This positions closed with the single stop above.  Loss = -0.26 roughly.


This call is for the week ending 12.26.08


QQQQ (Short) Resistance Plan: Short under 29.91, target 21.40, stop loss @ 30.17. SUMMARY

Rationale:  If resistance holds a pull back is likely to follow.

Monday: QQQQ triggered and we should be holding it according to plan

Friday: QQQQ was closed near $29.13 for a net gain of approximately $0.76. 


This call is for the week ending 12.19.08


COST (Short) Resistance Plan: Short under 53.79, target 42.75, stop loss @ 54.05. SUMMARY

Rationale:  If resistance holds a strong pull back is likely to follow.

Monday:  Modify and replace the plan above as follows:


COST (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 53.55, target 47.86, Stop Loss @ 53.81 SUMMARY

Wednesday: COST stopped once.  If COST declines and re-triggers it should be re-entered according to plan.

Friday:  COST stopped 3 more times on Friday and the strategy ended with a loss of about $1.2


This call is for the week ending 12.12.08


MMM (Short) Support Plan: Short under 59.61, target 52.28, Stop Loss @ 59.87 SUMMARY

Rationale:  Direction is a toss up this week.  Up, down, sideways....This call is designed to take advantage of a break below converted support if it happens.  An adjustment may be needed if a surge happens early in the week instead.

Monday:  MMM trigger once and stopped, and then triggered again.  The stop was relative large however.  Assume a $0.40 stop.  Nonetheless, we should be holding MMM short from 59.71 with a downside target of 52.28 according to plan

Friday: MMM was closed near $55.8 for a net gain of approximately $3.81.  Great Job.


This call is for the week ending 12.5.08


XOM (Short) Resistance Plan: Short under 80.47, target 71.32, stop loss @ 80.73. SUMMARY

Rationale:  Mid term resistance should be tested soon.  If the Market turns back afterwards aggressive declines could follow.

There were no triggers for this trade.

This call is for the week ending 11.28.08


XOM (Short) Resistance Plan: Short under 80.57, target 71.55, stop loss @ 80.83. SUMMARY

Rationale:  I expect the Market to increase initially, and then stall and reverse lower later in the week.  If that happens this XOM trade has a high probability of working well.

Wednesday: XOM stopped once and it is set to re-trigger on Friday if the stock pulls back.  Remember to close it before the Market closes.

Friday: XOM re-triggered and closed at 80.07.  Net gain for this trade was about $0.2


This call is for the week ending 11.21.08


COST (Short) Support Plan: Short under 48.05, target 42.98, Stop Loss @ 48.31 SUMMARY

Rationale:  Re-tests of support appear imminent and if breaks occur the declines could get much worse very fast.

Monday:  This trade resulted in approximately 8 stops.  At the end this trade triggered and we should not be holding it according to plan.  We are 2 points underwater and holding about 0.80 in paper gains.

Tuesday: Our gains have been extended somewhat.  Stick to the plan.

Wednesday:  Our gains were extended again.  Continue to stick to the plan.

Thursday:  Remember to close this trade on Friday.  Either it should be closed according to plan, or when the market is coming to a close at the end of the day.

Friday: This trade was closed at about 46.78.  The net loss was $0.77


This call is for the week ending 11.14.08


GS (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 77.35, target 88.30, Stop Loss @ 77.09 SUMMARY

Rationale:  If the Market experienced a final washout last week a measureable improvement should take place soon.

Monday:  GS blew past 77.35 so fast that the trade probably didn't hit, but we'll consider it one stop for the sake of consistency.  From here adjust the entry price lower slightly, and proceed according tot he outline below.


GS (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 75.06, target 86.03, Stop Loss @ 74.8 SUMMARY

Tuesday:  GS triggered twice and stopped twice late in the day.  Re-trigger according to plan.

Thursday:  Implement the following plan for Friday:


GS (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 68.04, target 78.54, Stop Loss @ 67.78 SUMMARY

Friday.  There were 5 stops.  In hindsight a bad decision to redefine the plan.  had the Market held late in the day that would have been a different story though.  We were holding 2 points in gains going into the final hour and the Market had upside momentum.  Instead we had a loss.

Net loss for this trade was about $2.4


This call is for the week ending 11.07.08


COF (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 40.71, target 52.49, stop loss @ 40.45. SUMMARY

Rationale:  The Market has started to inch higher on bad news.  I expect more bad news.  If the bottom is indeed in place the Market will continue to inch higher too.  40.71 would represent a breakout in COF.  This call may be adjusted during the week if the Market begins to pull back.

Tuesday:  COF stopped twice, and then began to work.  We should be holding it long according to plan.  If our target does not hit we should plan on selling before the close on Friday.

Wednesday:  COF stopped once on Wednesday.  I have adjusted the plan slightly.  Please use the reversal trigger shown below to trigger this trade again.


COF (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 39.16, target 43.12, Stop Loss @ 38.95 SUMMARY TRADE THIS PLAN

Net loss for this trade was about $0.80


This call is for the week ending 10.31.08


DOW (Short) Support Plan: Short under 23.33, target 19.30, Stop Loss @ 23.59 SUMMARY

Rationale:  If the market breaks down new lows will surface everywhere.  This call is restricted to a trigger based on a break of support though.  Adjustments may be made throughout the week, if needed.

Monday: DOW triggered short.  We should be holding it according to plan.

Tuesday: Dow stopped twice.  We should be in cash.

Net loss for this trade was about $0.70


This call is for the week ending 10.24.08


JPM (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 39.05 target 48.15 stop loss @ 38.79. SUMMARY

Rationale:  If the Market is capable of showing strength early, buyers may surface after the double bottom last week.

Monday: JPM triggered.  We should be holding it long according tot he plan above.

Wednesday:  JPM stopped.  Re-trigger only if it moves back above 39.05.

Net loss for this trade was about $0.30


This call is for the week ending 10.17.08


BAC (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 17.17 target 26.87 stop loss @ 16.91. SUMMARY

Rationale:  This call is based on the presupposition that 7595 is tested in the Dow, and then the Market reverses higher again.  We may need to adjust the entry throughout the week.

Monday: Indeed we need to adjust the entry for BAC.  Use this supplemental plan from here.


BAC (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 21.62, target 26.69, Stop Loss @ 21.36 SUMMARY

I am closing this stock of the week prior to any triggers.  Consider the stock of the week closed and do not expect any trades in this strategy until a new strategy begins next week.  My decision is based on market direction as it relates to the potential for a collapse.  there's no reason to try to buy the Market using a strategy like this.  Instead, better to sit out for 2 more days and resume the process on Monday.

This call is for the week ending 10.10.08


UTX (Short) Resistance Plan: Short under 55.20, target n/a, stop loss @ 55.46. SUMMARY

Rationale:  Although a bounce could occur, the longer term charts are now bearish, and they point to lower levels yet again.  Use strict risk control, but short seems to be the prevailing direction.  If this position begins to work, there is no immediate downside target.  The target would therefore be based on duration not on price.  If it triggers expect to hold it until the Market closes at the end of the week, then revert to cash per norm.

Tuesday:  I have issued this supplemental plan with a lower entry level


UTX (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 52.94, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 53.2 SUMMARY

There was no trigger for this tradeplan.

This call is for the week ending 10.3.08


COF (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 54.94, target n/a, stop loss @ 54.68. SUMMARY

Rationale:  If the Market begins to move higher on the heels of a bailout package, upside momentum could build quickly.  I went to the filters and used the long resistance filters for longer term plans to find an idea.  COF looked good to me.

Monday: COF has not triggered yet.  The aggressive Market decline took COF down along with it.  I have issued the following supplemental plan which should be used to trigger this trade from here:


COF (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 43.72, target 49.71, Stop Loss @ 43.46 SUMMARY

Tuesday:  The original plan above is likely to trigger first.  Both of these plans are valid.  Take the first one that triggers.

Wednesday:  The supplemental plan above is unlikely to trigger unless a catastrophe hits the Market.  We missed it by a hair!.  In any case, I have formulated the following revised support plan.  It, or the original plan above should be used to trigger COF accordingly.


COF (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 50.16, target 55.08, Stop Loss @ 49.9 SUMMARY

Thursday:  A series of stops occurred.  However, both of the supplemental plans are still active.  If COF triggers at either 43.72 or if it reverses above 50.16 trigger COF long.  Remember, it is designed to be closed when the market closes on Friday.

Net loss for this trade was about $1.25


This call is for the week ending 9.26.08


JPM (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 46.08 target n/a stop loss @ 45.82. SUMMARY

Rationale:  We should expect a slight pullback given recent Market surges, but then the market should turn higher again.  The plan above tells us to expect to hold JPM if it triggers, until just before the close on Friday

Monday: There was no trigger based on the above plan.  There was a sharp pullback in JPM which could have been directly tied to their interest in WM.  In any case, we have issued a revised plan.  React to this supplemental plan if it triggers:


JPM (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 40.40, target 46.07, Stop Loss @ 40.14 SUMMARY

Tuesday: JPM stopped 3 times, twice late in the day, but we should have ended the day long JPM based on the 40.40 entry level in the plan above.

Thursday: JPM has started to work.  Do not get giddy.  The fat lady has not sung.  However, as the Market comes to a close on Friday we should exit this position and ed the week in cash.

Friday: JPM was closed near $46.07 for a net gain of approximately $4.75.  Great Job.


This call is for the week ending 9.19.08


CAT (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 66.74, target n/a, stop loss @ 66.48. SUMMARY

Rationale:  If support holds the Market should surge this week.  This call is designed to be triggered if resistance breaks higher only, and to be held until the close on Friday if it triggers to maximize gains.

Monday:  There was no trigger, but the following supplemental plan has been added.


CAT (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 60.39 target 73.73 stop loss @ 60.13. SUMMARY

Wednesday:  Cancel the above plans.  Thus far there have been no triggers for CAT.  Use this plan from this point forward:


CAT (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 61.97, target 65.45, Stop Loss @ 61.76 SUMMARY TRADE THIS PLAN

Thursday: CAT stopped 3 times and then triggered and held.  Then it reached our target.  Net return after the cost of stops was +2.6.  Great Job!!!!  This call is closed.

This call is for the week ending 9.12.08


FDX (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 82.40, target 94.10, stop loss @ 82.14. SUMMARY

Rationale:  The market jerked down to near longer term support on Friday.  Now, if the turn higher continues, a significant upside market move could follow.  This time the move higher could be more aggressive than the recent move lower.  longer term support needs to remain in tact however.

Monday:  The surge on Monday left the Market on the verge of a breakout.  The following supplemental plan should be used as an alternative to the plan above.  Both of these plans are active.  If the supplemental plan triggers first, take it.  If the stock pulls back to trigger at the original price, use that.


FDX (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 84.87, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 84.61 SUMMARY

Tuesday:  FDX stopped once and then re-triggered late in the day on Tuesday.  After hours FDX reported positive projections.  Be willing to lock in 4 points from this position if you have the opportunity.  If the stock opens over 88.87 set a profit stop under 88.87. 

Wednesday: FDX was closed at near 88.87 net +3.5 or so.

This call was closed early, on Wednesday, with a gain of $3.5.  Great Job.

This call is for the week ending 9.05.08


COF (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 42.77, target 47.65, Stop Loss @ 42.51

Rationale:  If support holds I expect the Market to trend higher.  I also like the recent resiliency of COF.  If the Market indeed trends higher I expect COF to perform very well.  I expect a slight decline initially though.

Tuesday:  There were no triggers, but the stock was resilient.  We have issued a supplemental plan.  If the below plan triggers first, use it.  Otherwise restrict entry to the first plan's designated entry level.


COF (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 45.07, target 52.51, Stop Loss @ 44.81

Wednesday:  CF stopped 4 times quickly and then began to work.  We should be holding it from 45.07.

Thursday:  We had 1 large stop and a loss of about 0.70.  This trade can still trigger, but it needs to be closed before the Market closes on Friday.

Friday.  COF stopped twice and then re-triggered at 42.77.  The position was closed near 44.7.

Net loss for this trade was about $0.3

This call is for the week ending 8.29.08


COF (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 42.95, target 47.33, Stop Loss @ 42.69

Rationale:  A mid term breakout is occurring and if support holds i expect financials to soar.  Some positive news from FNM and FRE would help too.  That may come this week too.

Monday:  There were no triggers.  However, if COF increases we should trigger according to the plan above.  In addition, if COF declines instead we should trigger according to the plan below instead.  Take whichever plan comes first:


COF (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 40.29, target 47.33, Stop Loss @ 40.03

Thursday:  COF trigger according to the original plan.  There were 2 stops along the way.  We should be holding it according to plan, but expect to close the position before the Market closes on Friday.

Friday: Based on our original plan we should have sold COF near $44.25 and we should have locked in approximately $0.8 in gains.


This call is for the week ending 8.22.08

COF (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 43.25 target 53.14 stop loss @ 42.99.

The technical summary data tells us to buy COF near 43.25 with an upside target of 53.14. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 42.99 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 43.25 is the first level of support below 43.95 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, support 43.25 is being tested, a buy signal would exist.

Rationale:  The market has the potential to move higher aggressively, even more so now than last week.  The Dow is starting to shows signs of life again too.  Financials should be strong if this rally occurs.

Monday: 2 stops occurred.  Re-trigger if the plan above re-triggers.

Tuesday:  Recognize the supplemental plan below.  If it triggers, use that plan for the rest of the week.  Otherwise trigger based on the original plan above:


COF (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 39.71, target 47.34, Stop Loss @ 39.45

Wednesday: CF triggered and stopped 3 times before beginning to work.  We should be holding it from 39.71 with a 47.34 upside target.  Otherwise plan to exit before the close on Friday.

Friday: Based on our supplemental plan revision we should have sold COF near $42.3 and we should have locked in approximately $1.3 in gains.


This call is for the week ending 8.15.08

COF (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 43.47, target 53.35, stop loss @ 43.21.

If 43.47 begins to break higher, the technical summary data will suggest a buy of COF over 43.47, with an upside target of 53.35. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 43.21 in case the stock turns against the trade. 43.47 is the first level of resistance above 43.39 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, resistance 33.24 would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist.


Rationale:  The market has the potential to move higher aggressively.  Financials should again be strong if this rally occurs.

Monday: COF stopped twice and then began to work.  We should be holding it according to the plan above.  $53.35 seems like a far away target, but the objective should be to hold it until Friday near the close at least, assuming it does not stop in the meantime.

Tuesday: COF stopped once.  We should have ended the day in cash.

Incorporate the following plan, and use either the initial plan above, or the following support plan to trade COF from here.  Whichever plan triggers first will be the plan we use from here.

Supplemental Plan:

COF (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 40.59, target 53.35, stop loss @ 40.33.

Thursday: COG Triggered at 40.59.  We should be holding it according to plan.  Close before the Market closes on Friday.

Friday:  We should have closed COF near 43.95 for an approximate $2.5 Gain.


This call is for the week ending 8.08.08


Buy over 67.83, target 78.79, Stop Loss @ 67.57 (Support Plan)

Rationale:  If support holds I expect the Dow to move higher.

Monday: There were 3 stops.  We should have ended the day in cash.

Tuesday:  Ouch, there were 5 stops.  We should be holding it as of the close on Tuesday with the intention of holding until the close on Friday.

Wednesday: We had 1 stop, and then we re-entered CAT.  In total we are -2.6 ish after stops.  However, we are also holding paper gains of 2.7, so in essence any move from here through friday will be our net gain/loss.

Friday: We closed this trade near $71.07.  That's a gain of $3.24


Net Gain for this trade was approximately $0.54


This call is for the week ending 8.01.08

JPM (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 39.92, target 47.40, stop loss @ 39.66.

If 39.92 begins to break higher, the technical summary data will suggest a buy of JPM over 39.92, with an upside target of 47.40. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 39.66 in case the stock turns against the trade. 39.92 is the first level of resistance above 39.52 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, resistance 31.98 would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist.

Rationale:  If support holds I expect financials to lead the way higher.

Monday: There were 2 stops in this strategy on Monday

Update:  Use 38.08 as a reversal trigger.  Change the plan as follows: 

JPM (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 38.08, target 47.40, stop loss @ 37.82.

Tuesday: 2 stops occurred and we should be holding JPM long from 38.08

Make sure to close JPM before the Market closes on Friday.

Net Gain for this trade was approximately $1.5


This call is for the week ending 7.25.08

MS (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 38.40, target 46.64, Stop Loss @ 38.14

The technical summary data tells us to buy MS near 38.40 with an upside target of 46.64. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 38.14 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 38.40 is the first level of support below 38.57 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 38.40, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Rationale:  If support holds I expect the short covering rally to continue.  Financials should lead they way w/re to covering.

Monday: There was 1 stop.

Add this plan just in case.  Take either this plan or the plan above, whichever triggers first:

MS (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 33.50, target 38.23, Stop Loss @ 33.24

The technical summary data tells us to buy MS near 33.50 with an upside target of 38.23. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 33.24 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 33.50 is the first level of support below 35.52 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 33.50, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Tuesday: MS triggered at 38.4.  We should be holding it according to the first plan above.

Wednesday: 3 stops occurred.  We should be holding it according to the 38.4 plan.

Thursday: 3 stops occurred.  We should be in cash.

Net loss for this trade was about $2


This call is for the week ending 7.18.08

QLD Buy over 71.75, target 80, Stop Loss @ 71.49

Rationale:  If the market indeed bottoms this week i expect a surge higher and QLD should perform very well.

Monday: There were 2 stops.

Tuesday mid day:  QLD adjusted:

QLD:  Buy over 68.5 target 75.5 stop loss 68.25

Tuesday: After 2 stops we should be holding QLD from 68.5.

Friday:  This should have been closed near 71.92

Net Gain for this trade was approximately $2.5


This call is for the week ending 7.11.08

AMZN Buy over 73.08, target 79.27, Stop Loss @ 72.82


If longer-term support holds in the S&P 500 I expect a surge.  However, I do not want to get cute and try to take the exact bottom.  Therefore, I have filtered the focus list for long swing trading ideas that are designed to trigger based on a break of resistance.  The result showed Amazon for a second week in a row.  Go figure.

Monday: AMZN stopped twice.  Re-enter according tot eh above plan only.

Tuesday:  AMZN stopped 3 times.  We should be holding it according to plan.

Wednesday: 2 more stops before the Market collapsed.

Thursday:  Adjust AMZN for Friday as follows:

AMZN (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 71.21, target 74.72, Stop Loss @ 71

If 71.21 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy AMZN just over 71.21, with an upside target of 74.72. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 71 in case the stock turns against the trade. 71.21 is the first level of resistance above 70.63 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 71.21, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Net loss for this trade was about $2.75


This call is for the week ending 7.03.08

MODIFIED (read Tuesday's Note below)

AMZN (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 74.09, target 80.81, Stop Loss @ 73.83

The technical summary data tells us to buy AMZN near 74.09 with an upside target of 80.81. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 73.83 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 74.09 is the first level of support below 74.66 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 74.09, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Rationale:  After ne more down leg I believe the Market could reverse higher very aggressively this week.  I have filtered the Focus List for long trades near support and I picked one with a rather aggressive upside target.

Monday: 5 stops after a 2 point increase.  URGHHH!!!  Stick with the plan above.

Tuesday:  Modify the AMZN calll to a lower reversal triggger.  Follow this plan:

AMZN: Buy over 73.21, target 88.05, stop loss @ 72.95.

Tuesday:  We should have etered AMZN at 73.21 and we should be holding it according to plan:

Wednesday.  AMZN stopped once.

Thursday: AMZN stopped once.

Net loss for this trade was about $2


This call is for the week ending 6.28.08

KLAC (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 39.65, target 44.35, Stop Loss @ 39.39

The technical summary data tells us to buy KLAC near 39.65 with an upside target of 44.35. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 39.39 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 39.65 is the first level of support below 40.07 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 39.65, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Rationale:  I expect a reversal to take place this week, after 1 more leg down.  If this happens I expect most stocks to increase afterwards, but I also expect NASDAQ stocks to fair better than Dow stocks.  I have filtered the Focus List for long swing trades near support and I picked one that looked good.  If you feel the same, filter the list now.

Monday: KLAC stopped twice on Monday.  We ended the day long KLAC according to plan.

Thursday: KLAC stopped 3 times on Thursday.  We should be holding it long per the plan above.

Friday: KLAC stopped three times again, and ended with a tiny gain.

Net loss for this trade was about $2.15

This call is for the week ending 6.20.08

COF (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 44.74, target 48.08, Stop Loss @ 44.48

If 44.74 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy COF just over 44.74, with an upside target of 48.08. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 44.48 in case the stock turns against the trade. 44.74 is the first level of resistance above 44.62 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 44.74, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Rationale:  If the Market breaks above mid term resistance I am expecting a surge.  Normally I would extend the target a little, but I do not want to be greedy in case a reversal happens after hat anticipated surge.  I filtered the Focus List for long swing trades based on resistance and chose one from the list.

Monday: COF triggered and we should be holding it according to plan from 44.74.

Tuesday:  COF stopped.  Re-trigger according to plan.

Net loss for this trade was about $0.26

This call is for the week ending 6.13.08

TYC (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 43.91 target 50.02 stop loss @ 43.65.

The technical summary data tells us to buy TYC near 43.91 with an upside target of 50.02. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 43.65 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 43.91 is the first level of support below 44.01 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, support 43.91 is being tested, a buy signal would exist.


Rationale:  The camel's back is not broken, but the last straw is within sight.  I continue to believe, based on my strategic plan analysis, that the market will increase and test our reversal triggers once this Oil debacle settles.  However, I also realize that aggressive declines could continue.  If the market increases like I think it can I want to participate.  If I am wrong, if the market declines substantially instead, I don't mind missing the boat until more stability comes into the market.  This is the psychology behind our current stock of the week strategy.  Don't chase, don't fight, don't loose too much, position ourselves to make money if the market increases, and live to fight another day if it declines.  We are +42% YTD and we believe in risk control.  Sometimes that means sitting back and watching the show!

Monday: There was 1 stop in TYC.  Re-trigger according to plan.

Tuesday: There was 1 stop in TYC.  Re-trigger according to plan.

Net loss for this trade was about $0.50


This call is for the week ending 6.6.08

KLAC (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 46.41, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 46.15

If 46.41 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy KLAC just over 46.41, with an upside target of n/a. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 46.15 in case the stock turns against the trade. 46.41 is the first level of resistance above 46.12 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 46.41, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Note: n/a suggests that there is not an upside target for this plan.  Expect to hold it until the close on Friday if it triggers as a result.

Rationale:  I expect the market to trend higher.  I want to limit any long positions to trigger upon breaks of resistance though, because this requires the Market to begin to trend higher first.  I used the Tools/Focus List to filter our stocks for long swing trades near resistance because this filter requires the stock to break above resistance in order to trigger; do the same and find a stock of your own.  If the Market begins to move higher I believe it could gain momentum this week, and follow through with strength.  Further, the NASDAQ has been stronger than the other markets, and therefore my bias its towards tech stocks.

Monday: There was 1 stop in KLAC; continue to follow the above plan.

Tuesday: If KLAC dips to $42.97 use the plan below.  Otherwise, re-trigger only above 46.41 per the original plan.

KLAC (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 42.97, target 46.80, Stop Loss @ 42.71

The technical summary data tells us to buy KLAC near 42.97 with an upside target of 46.80. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 42.71 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 42.97 is the first level of support below 44.57 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 42.97, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Friday:  KLAC triggered at 43.02 and stopped at 43. 

Net loss for this trade was about $0.30


This call is for the week ending 5.30.08

QCOM (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 48.17, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 47.91

If 48.17 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy QCOM just over 48.17, with an upside target of n/a. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 47.91 in case the stock turns against the trade. 48.17 is the first level of resistance above 47.76 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 48.17, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Note: n/a suggests that there is not a resistance level above 48.17 according to our regression analysis.  If this trade triggers plan to hold QCOM until the close on Friday.

Tuesday: we had 3 stops on Tuesday but we should have ended the day long QCOM from 48.17 according tot plan.

Friday, we should have closed this trade near 48.67 for about + 0.5.

Net loss for this trade was about $0.30


This call is for the week ending 5.23.08

ADBE (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 42.70, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 42.44

If 42.70 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy ADBE just over 42.70, with an upside target of n/a. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 42.44 in case the stock turns against the trade. 42.70 is the first level of resistance above 42.26 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 42.70, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Note: n/a means that there are no defined resistance levels in our regression analysis for ADBE at this time.  Therefore, if ADBE triggers expect to hold it until Friday at the close unless notified otherwise during the week.

Monday: ADBE triggered once and then stopped.  Re-enter according to plan.

Tuesday Morning: If this plan triggers use this plan for ADBE:

ADBE (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 41.28, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 41.02

The technical summary data tells us to buy ADBE near 41.28 with an upside target of n/a. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 41.02 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 41.28 is the first level of support below 41.56 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 41.28, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Tuesday Night: ADBE triggered at 41.28 and stopped once.  It re-triggered and we should be holding it according to the 41.28 plan above.  Expect to hold through Friday unless it stops.

Wednesday: ADBE stopped once.  We should re-trigger at 41.28 if it hits again according tot he plan above.

Thursday: We should be holding ADBE at 41.28 according to the plan above.  Expect to close it on Friday before the close.

Friday: ADBE stopped once and then re-triggered.  It closed flat.

Net loss for this trade was about $1.1


This call is for the week ending 5.16.08

AMZN (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 71.95, target 78.18, Stop Loss @ 71.69

The technical summary data tells us to buy AMZN near 71.95 with an upside target of 78.18. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 71.69 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 71.95 is the first level of support below 72.41 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 71.95, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan

Monday: We should be holding AMZN long from near 71.95 according to plan.

Friday: We should have closed AMZN near 76.35 for a gain of $4.4


This call is for the week ending 5.9.08

AMZN (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 77.55, target 89.08, Stop Loss @ 77.29

If 77.55 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy AMZN just over 77.55, with an upside target of 89.08. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 77.29 in case the stock turns against the trade. 77.55 is the first level of resistance above 77.31 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 77.55, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Profit stop: If the stock tests 82.5 after triggering via the plan above set a profit stop at 82 and let it ride.  D not trail the stock higher, just leave the stop at 82.

Monday:  There was 1 stop in AMZN.  We are adding a support plan to the stock of the week this week.  If AMZN dips to test 72.85 follow the support plan instead.  Otherwise trigger AMZN long ONLY if it reverses back above 77.55.  Quite simply, unless AMZN tests 72.85 or reverses above 77.55 it will be avoided. 

Support Plan for AMZN: (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 72.85, target 77.70, Stop Loss @ 72.59

The technical summary data tells us to buy AMZN near 72.85 with an upside target of 77.70. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 72.59 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 72.85 is the first level of support below 75.92 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 72.85, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Thursday:  AMZN's support plan triggered and we were stopped twice.  As of the close we should have been holding AMZN long according tot he support plan above.

Friday: AMZN stopped 3 times for about -0.9

Net loss for this trade was about $1.7


This call is for the week ending 5.2.08

KLAC (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 45.63, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 45.37

If 45.63 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy KLAC just over 45.63, with an upside target of n/a. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 45.37 in case the stock turns against the trade. 45.63 is the first level of resistance above 45.46 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 45.63, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Note: n/a means that there is no resistance level above 45.63 for swing trades according to our report.  I have therefore added a target of $50 to this plan.  If KLAC tests $50 lock in gains.

Monday:  KLAC stopped once on Monday and re-triggered.  As of the close we should have been holding it according to plan.

Tuesday:  KLAC stopped once again and then re-triggered.  We should be holding it accordingly.

Wednesday:  KLAC stopped once more.  Apparently the market didn't like the fact that the company was able to raise $750 million to buy back stock.  Interesting...This call will not be adjusted,  but if it re-triggers, re-enter it.

Thursday: KLAC stopped twice.  We should NOT be holding it, but if it re-triggers on Friday, re-enter according to plan.  Just remember to sell before the close on Friday.

Friday: KLAC stopped once more.

Net loss for this trade was about $2


This call is for the week ending 4.25.08

AKAM (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 32.10, target 38.94, Stop Loss @ 31.84.  IF the stock gets above 35.33 put a profit stop under 35.33 and let the trade ride until/unless it is stopped or the week comes to an end.

If 32.10 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy AKAM just over 32.10, with an upside target of 38.94. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 31.84 in case the stock turns against the trade. 32.10 is the first level of resistance above 31.83 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 32.10, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Monday: AKAM stopped once and then re-triggered.  We should be holding it according to plan.  If the stock breaks over 35.33 set your profit stop at 34.99.  Close this trade if this profit stop occurs (do not re-enter if the profit stop occurs).

Thursday: If the NASDAQ dips below 2410 close AKAM and lock in gains.  Otherwise let the trade ride until the end of the day on Friday and close it then.

Friday: AKAM was closed near 34 for a $1.9 gain.  GREAT JOB


This call is for the week ending 4.18.08

AG (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 63.31, target 69.15, Stop Loss @ 63.05

If 63.31 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy AG just over 63.31, with an upside target of 69.15. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 63.05 in case the stock turns against the trade. 63.31 is the first level of resistance above 62.74 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 63.31, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Monday:  There were 2 stops early, and then AG held the trigger.  We should be holding it according to plan.

Tuesday:  There were 2 stops in AG again, and then it re-triggered.  We should be holding it.

Friday: AG was closed at 69.15 for a net gain of about +$4.7.  GREAT JOB


This call is for the week ending 4.11.08

MMM (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 79.49, target 83.07, Stop Loss @ 79.23

The technical summary data tells us to buy MMM near 79.49 with an upside target of 83.07. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 79.23 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 79.49 is the first level of support below 80.52 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 79.49, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Tuesday: We should have entered MMM near 79.5

Wednesday:  This trade stopped once, and we should have re-entered it. 

Friday: We should have stopped out Friday Morning near 78.85.

Net loss for this trade was $0.9

This call is for the week ending 4.04.08

FDX (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 91.62, target 96.22, Stop Loss @ 91.36

If 91.62 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy FDX just over 91.62, with an upside target of 96.22. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 91.36 in case the stock turns against the trade. 91.62 is the first level of resistance above 91.27 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 91.62, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan

Monday we should have FDX from near 91.6

Wednesday: We should have locked in about $4.6 from this call when it hit our target.  Good Job!!


This call is for the week ending 3.28.08

MMM (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 77.91, target 83.18, Stop Loss @ 77.65

The technical summary data tells us to buy MMM near 77.91 with an upside target of 83.18. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 77.65 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 77.91 is the first level of support below 77.98 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 77.91, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

Monday: We should have MMM from near 77.95

Friday: We should have locked in about $0.1 from this call.

This call is for the week ending 3.20.08

COST (Long) Support Plan: Buy over 60.66 target 67.36 stop loss @ 60.4.

The technical summary data tells us to buy COST near 60.66 with an upside target of 67.36. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 60.4 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 60.66 is the first level of support below 60.86 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, support 60.66 would be being tested, so a buy signal would exist.

on Monday we were stopped 3 times.  We should not be holding COST as of the close.  Re-enter according to plan.

On Tuesday we had 1 more stop and we entered COST again as indicated.  We are holding 1 point in gains, but that is offset by stops so far.  Everything from here will be profit if the trade holds.

Remember, the Market is closed on Friday so this needs to be closed before the Market closes on Thursday.

Thursday: We should have locked in about $1.8 from this call.


This call is for the week ending 3.14.08

UTX (Short) Support Plan: Short under 67.00, target 64.79, Stop Loss @ 67.26

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of UTX if it breaks below 67.00 with a downside target of 64.79. We should also have a stop loss in place at 67.26 according to the data. 67.00 is first level of support below 67.49 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if initial support, 67.00, is breaking lower a short signal would exist. Because this is a short plan based on a break of support it is referred to as a Short Support Plan.

We should be short UTX from 67 on Monday.  We should expect to cover at 64.79 if that is tested.  If the stock opens below 64.79 use that as a profit stop instead.  Do not re-enter this stock if it tests 64.79.  Close it, lock in gains, and do not repeat the trade.  If it is stopped though, repeat trades are OK.

UTX Stopped twice, once for a big one.  We should have a -1 net loss just about going into Wednesday.

This trade resulted in a loss of about 1 point.


This call is for the week ending 3.07.08

DE (Long) Support Plan: Buy near 84.96, target 91.27, Stop Loss @ 84.7

The technical summary data tells us to buy DE near 84.96 with an upside target of 91.27. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 84.7 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 84.96 is the first level of support below 85.21 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, 84.96, initial support, would be tested, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a test of support it is referred to as a Long Support Plan.

We should be holding DE from near 85 from Monday.

This resulted in a loss of 0.3, roughly.  1 stop.

This call is for the week ending 2.29.08

MMM (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 80.56, target 83.41, Stop Loss @ 80.3

If 80.56 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy MMM just over 80.56, with an upside target of 83.41. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 80.3 in case the stock turns against the trade. 80.56 is the first level of resistance above 79.67 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 80.56, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Monday: We had 1 stop in MMM and we should be holding it from 50.56 according to plan as of the close on Monday.

Wednesday: We had 1 stop in MMM on Wednesday.

This resulted in a loss of 0.50, roughly.  2 stops.

This call is for the week ending 2.22.08

FDX: (Long) Resistance Plan: Buy over 88.20, target 95.72, Stop Loss @ 87.94

If 88.20 begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy FDX just over 88.20, with an upside target of 95.72. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 87.94 in case the stock turns against the trade. 88.20 is the first level of resistance above 87.92 , and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, 88.20, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

Monday: We should have FDX long from near 88.2 and we should expect to hold it until Friday according to plan.

Thursday: Remember to close FDX at the end of the day on Friday no matter what.

Friday: This positioned stopped mid day, but then late in the day it re-triggered and it closed with a gain of abut $0.35 net of the stop.

This call is for the week ending 2.15.08

PRU (Short) Support Plan: Short under 71.76, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 72.02

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of PRU if it breaks below 71.76 with a downside target of n/a. We should also have a stop loss in place at 72.02 according to the data. 71.76 is first level of support below 71.87 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if initial support, 71.76, is breaking lower a short signal would exist. Because this is a short plan based on a break of support it is referred to as a Short Support Plan.

There is no downside target.  Expect a profit stop to be placed mid week or expect to hold the position until Friday. 

Monday: set a profit stop at 69.  If it triggers close this position and don't look back.  If it doesn't, if the profit stop holds instead, we'll likely adjust it slightly tomorrow, and continue to do that until such time as we get a trigger.

Tuesday: We should have covered this call on Tuesday for + 1.7 or so.  This call is closed.

This call is for the week ending 2.8.08

DE (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 89.22, target 79.04, Stop Loss @ 89.48

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of DE if it tests 89.22 with a downside target of 79.04. We should have a stop loss in place at 89.48 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance, 89.22, is being tested a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a test of resistance it is referred to as a Short Resistance Plan.

Monday: We should have had 4 stops but we ended short DE with 1 point of paper gains.

Tuesday:  We are holding solid gains.  Change the target to 79.41.

Wednesday:  We are holding solid gains.  Change the target to 79.52.

Thursday:  If DE reverses above 82.25 close the trade and do NOT re-enter it.  However, if it stays below 82.25 hold until either 79.52 is tested, or cover it right before the close on Friday and end the week in cash.

Friday: We should have closed DE with a gain of about $6.  GREAT JOB!!!

This call is for the week ending 2.1.08

PRU (Short) Support Plan: Short under 78.78 target n/a stop loss @ 79.04.

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of PRU if it breaks below 78.78, But there is no current downside target from the summary table. This tells us that we should hold this position until either a revised target is generated, which usually occurs at the open of the next session, or until this position has been stopped. We should have a stop loss in place at 79.04 according to the data. 78.78 is the first level of support below 79.38 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if support 78.78 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

Monday:  there was 1 stop.  The stock hit 78.78 on the nose, and then turned up immediately.  Good inflection, good support, but it never broke.  Leave it in tact.  This is longer term support.

Tuesday intraday at 10:54: Change the plan as follows:

PRU (Short) Support Plan: Short under 82.5 target n/a stop loss @ 82.76.

Tuesday: there were no triggers on our revision.  We are adding this plan too.  Whichever triggers first will be the plan that we will use for the week and the other will be void.  IE.  if PRU dips and triggers, we take 82.5, but if it pops, we take the plan below.  The first plan to trigger is the one well use, and the other will not be used to trigger any trades.:

PRU (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 85.75, target 78.29, Stop Loss @ 86.01

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of PRU if it tests 85.75 with a downside target of 78.29. We should have a stop loss in place at 86.01 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance, 85.75, is being tested a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a test of resistance it is referred to as a Short Resistance Plan.

Wednesday:  We had 1 stop, then the 85.75 plan triggered.  The 82.5 plan is void.  If the stock falls to 78.29 take profits.

Thursday:  If the stock stops, and re-triggers, feel free to re-enter it, but make sure you close it as the Market comes to a close on Friday and end the week in cash.

We ended the week relatively flat.  Though there was an opportunity to lock in 6 points, we ended flat.

This call is for the week ending 1.25.08

MMM (Short) Support Plan: Short under 74.86, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 75.12

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of MMM if it breaks below 74.86 with a downside target of n/a. We should also have a stop loss in place at 75.12 according to the data. 74.86 is first level of support below 74.91 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if initial support, 74.86, is breaking lower a short signal would exist. Because this is a short plan based on a break of support it is referred to as a Short Support Plan.

From Tuesday: We were stopped 7 times in this trade.  Disappointing as that may be, stick to the plan. 

From Wednesday:  There was 1 more stop.  Adjust the trade as follows:

MMM (Short) Support Plan: Short under 75.08 target n/a stop loss @ 75.34.

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of MMM if it breaks below 75.08, But there is no current downside target from the summary table. This tells us that we should hold this position until either a revised target is generated, which usually occurs at the open of the next session, or until this position has been stopped. We should have a stop loss in place at 75.34 according to the data. 75.08 is the first level of support below 76.1 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if support 75.08 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

Thursday:  There was 1 stop in MMM.  Keep the current plan and close it as the market closes on Friday if it triggers.

Friday: there was 1 stop

We lost about $2.50 in stops on MMM.

This call is for the week ending 1.18.08

NYX (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 83.82, target 74.76, Stop Loss @ 84.08

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of NYX if it tests 83.82 with a downside target of 74.76. We should have a stop loss in place at 84.08 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance, 83.82, is being tested a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a test of resistance it is referred to as a Short Resistance Plan.

Tuesday:  There were 4 stops in this trade.  We ended the day in cash.  Adjust the plan as follows:

NYX (Short) Support Plan: Short near 83.95, target 74.76, Stop Loss @ 84.21

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of NYX if it breaks below 83.95 with a downside target of 74.76. We should have a stop loss in place at 84.21 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any break of support is a short signal. In this case, if support, 83.82, is breaking lower a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a break of support it is referred to as a Short Support Plan.

 NYX triggered at 83.95 and we should be holding it short. 

Wednesday: I need to be prudent, but I sure don't want to tell you to cover NYX yet. With prudent trading in mind, please set a static profit stop in NYX at 78.05.  If the stock moves over 78, take profits.  We will lock in 5-6 points. Otherwise, let it ride until the end of the week

On Wednesday we should have locked in $5.9 from this trade ($4.9 net after earlier stops); This trade was closed afterwards. 

From Jimmy Valvano: ' Don't give up, don't ever give up!'

From Thomas Kee:  " Don't look back, don't ever look back!"

This call is for the week ending 1.11.08

COST (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 65.87, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 66.13

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of COST if it tests 65.87 with a downside target of (no target provided). We should have a stop loss in place at 66.13 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance, 65.87, is being tested a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a test of resistance it is referred to as a Short Resistance Plan.

This trade stopped 3 times on Monday.  We should be holding it short per the plan above.

We had 3 stops on Tuesday too.  We should hold this until otherwise advised to cover though.

We had 3 more stops on Wednesday.  We ended the day in cash.

We lost about $2.50 in stops on COST.

This call is for the week ending 1.4.08

BAC (Short) Support Plan: Short under 41.00, target 36.63, Stop Loss @ 41.26

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of BAC if it breaks below 41.00 with a downside target of 36.63. We should also have a stop loss in place at 41.26 according to the data. 41.00 is first level of support below 41.1 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if initial support, 41.00, is breaking lower a short signal would exist. Because this is a short plan based on a break of support it is referred to as a Short Support Plan.

On Monday this stopped once and we should be waiting for it to re-trigger according to the plan above.

This trade re-triggered on Wednesday.  We should be holding it short according to the plan above.

On Friday we should have locked in $1.19 from this trade; we should have closed it when the Market came to a close on Friday. 

This call is for the week ending 12.28.07

UTX (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 78.79, target 74.41, Stop Loss @ 79.05

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of UTX if it tests 78.79 with a downside target of 74.41. We should have a stop loss in place at 79.05 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance, 78.79, is being tested a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a test of resistance it is referred to as a Short Resistance Plan.

This triggered at 78.74 on Monday.  We should expect t hold this until Friday at the close.

Place a profit stop at 77.15 on Friday and let the trade ride through the whole day unless it is stopped at 77.15.  Otherwise, if it is still open just before the Market closes, cover the short, and end the week in cash.

On Friday we should have locked in $1.64 from this trade when our target was hit.  Close this trade.


This call is for the week ending 12.21.07

PRU (Short) Resistance Plan: Short under 93.84, target 88.54, Stop Loss @ 94.1

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of PRU if it breaks below 93.84 with a downside target of 88.54. We should have a stop loss in place at 94.1 though in case the stock begins to work against the trade. By rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if resistance 93.84 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

PRU Triggered at 93.79 on Monday.

PRU stopped twice on Wednesday but re-triggered and we should be holding it according to plan.

There was 1 more stop on Thursday.  We should have re-entered PRU.  From here, set a profit stop at 93.  If we stop out do not re-enter.  This will make this a breakeven trade with the stops included.  However, if the profit stop does not hit exit this position near the close on Friday instead.

This call was a wash.  No gain no loss.  If there was, it was small.

This call is for the week ending 12.14.07

AKAM (Short) Resistance Plan: Short under 39.08, target 34.43, Stop Loss @ 39.34

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of AKAM if it tests 39.08 with a downside target of 34.43. We should have a stop loss in place at 39.34 though in case the stock begins to work against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance 39.08 is being tested, a short signal would exist.

This trade triggered on Monday at 39.03

On Wednesday we should have locked in $4.50 from this trade when our target was hit.  Close this trade.

This call is for the week ending 12.7.07

IBM (Short) Support Plan: Short under 104.76, target 97.07, Stop Loss @ 105.02

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of IBM if it breaks below 104.76 with a downside target of 97.07. we should also have a stop loss in place at 105.02 according to the data. 104.76 is first level of support below 105.18 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if support 104.76 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

On Monday IBM stopped once.  Adjust it as follows:

IBM (Short) Support Plan: Short under 105.09, target 96.83, Stop Loss @ 105.35

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of IBM if it breaks below 105.09 with a downside target of 96.83. we should also have a stop loss in place at 105.35 according to the data. 105.09 is first level of support below 105.83 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if support 105.09 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

Expect to hold this trade until Friday's close if it triggers.

On Tuesday there were no triggers.

However, for Wednesday we are going to add a resistance plan too.  We now have 2 pplans...both short...the support plan above, and this resistance plan below.  Whichever triggers first should be the plan for this trade.  The other plan will be void after the first trigger.

IBM (Short) Resistance Plan: Short near 107.65, target 104.06, Stop Loss @ 107.91

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of IBM if it breaks below 107.65 with a downside target of 104.06. We should have a stop loss in place at 107.91 though in case the stock begins to work against the trade. By rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if resistance 107.65 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

On Wednesday there were  few stops.  Keep the repeat trade in place at 107.65 according to the plan above.

There was no trigger on Thursday. 

For Friday, adjust this call to trigger short at 110.2.  If it triggers, hold it all day and close it at the end of the day before the Market closes.  Set a stop loss at 110.5.  We will begin nest week with a fresh strategy.  Also, if it moves into the money by 3 points set a 0.50 profit stop in the trade.

This call is for the week ending 11.30.07

AXP (Short) Support Plan: Short under 53.23, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 53.49

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of AXP if it breaks below 53.23 with a downside target of n/a. we should also have a stop loss in place at 53.49 according to the data. 53.23 is first level of support below 53.54 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if support 53.23 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

There is no downside target.  Expect to hold until Friday if it triggers.  Watch for updates in our emails.

For Wednesday: Adjust the entry to 55.88, downside strategy is to hold until Friday, set stop at 56.14.

For Thursday, revise the plan to reflect a reversal trigger as follows:

AXP (Short) Support Plan: Short under 57.28, target 52.82, Stop Loss @ 57.54

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of AXP if it breaks below 57.28 with a downside target of 52.82. we should also have a stop loss in place at 57.54 according to the data. 57.28 is first level of support below 57.41 , and by rule, any break below support is a short signal. In this case, if support 57.28 is breaking lower, a short signal would exist.

For Friday:

AXP triggered on Thursday, but we should close it before the Market closes on Friday.  If you achieve 1 point in gains during the session set a .2 trailing profit stop.  If it is still open 5 minutes before the close, close it and end the week in cash.

This call is for the week ending 11.23.07

APOL (Long)Support Plan: Buy near 70.80, target 77.18, Stop Loss @ 70.54

The technical summary data tells us to buy APOL near 70.80 with an upside target of 77.18. This data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 70.54 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 70.80 is the first level of support below 73.39 , and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, support 70.80 would be being tested, so a buy signal would exist.

(adjusted after the close on Monday)

On Tuesday this triggered at 70.8.  If the stock gets to 74.5 set a 0.5 trailing profit stp and let the trade ride.  Close it on Friday if it is still open when the Market closes.  remember, there's an early close on Friday.

On Wednesday this stopped and then re-triggered.  We should be holding APOL going into Friday, but we should expect to close it on Friday before the close.  If you have 1 point in gains don't let it go away.  Remember, the Market closes early on Friday.

This call is for the week ending 11.2.07, written on 10.3`.07

Call made at 11:22 during mkt hours.

Bank of America (BAC) Short

Short BAC between 47.98 and 48.03, target 46.93.  If BAC moves higher and tests 48.24 stop out.  However, if BAC declines to 46.8 set a 0.10 trailing profit stop at 46.9 and let the trailing profit stop ride.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped.  In addition, if this trade is still open as the market closes on Friday close the trade and end the week in cash.

This call is for the week ending 10.4.07, written on 9.30.07

Honeywell (HON) Short

Short HON between $59.58 and $59.53 target $56.18.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $59.84.  If the stock tests 57.9 set a 0.1 profit stop at 58 to protect this position.  Use the target price to sell this position as well if it is triggered.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call is for the week ending 9.28.07, written on 9.23.07

Proctor and Gamble (PG) Long

Buy PG between $68.85 and $68.9 target $71.3.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $68.59.  If the stock tests 69.61 set a 0.1 profit stop at 69.51 to protect this position.  Use the target price to sell this position as well if it is triggered.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

There was no trigger for this trade.


This call is for the week ending 9.2407, written on 9.18.07

Bed Bath and Beyond (BBBY) Short

Adjusted on 9.19.07

Short BBBY between $34.45 and $34.4 target $32.12.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $34.71.  If the stock gets to 33.21 set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 33.31.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

original call

Short BBBY between $33.2 and $33.15 target $32.14.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $33.46.  There is no profit stop for this trade.  Use the target price to cover this short.  If the stock gaps below the target price for any reason then set a profit stop just over the target price and let it ride.  Do not trail the profit stop.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.


This call resulted in a $0.62 gain.


This call is for the week ending 9.14.07, written on 9.10.07

American International Group (AIG) Short

Short AIG between $63.77 and $63.72 target $60.61.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $64.03.  There is no profit stop for this trade.  Use the target price to cover this short.  If the stock gaps below the target price for any reason then set a profit stop just over the target price and let it ride.  Do not trail the profit stop.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call is for the week ending 8.24.07, written on 8.22.07

Caterpillar Short (CAT) Short

Short CAT between $76.24 and $76.19 target $74.36.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $76.50.  Also, if the stock gets to $74.96. after it triggers set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at $75.06 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call is for the week ending 8.17.07, written on 8.14.07

Genentech (DNA) Long

Buy DNA between $71.8 and $71.85 target $75.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $71.54.  Also, if the stock gets to $73.75 after it triggers set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at $73.65 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call is for the week ending 8.10.07, written on 8.06.07

American International Group (AIG) Short

During the Market hours on Tuesday we adjusted the trading plan.  This is the active trading plan for AIG (the one in red below was cancelled in favor of this one):

Short AIG between $66.57and $66.54 target $61.7.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $66.78.  Also, if the stock gets to $63.74 after it triggers set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 63.84 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

Short AIG between $64.63 and $64.58 target $61.7.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $64.84.  Also, if the stock gets to $63.74 after it triggers set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 63.84 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call is for the week ending 8.03.07, written on 7.29.07

Capital One Financial (COF) Short

Short COF between $73.62 and $73.57, target $69.84.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $73.88.  Also, if the stock gets to $72.5 after it triggers set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 72.6 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call resulted in a $0.23 loss


This call is for the week ending 7.28.07, written on 7.22.07

3M (MMM) Long

Buy MMM between $89.79 and $89.84, target $94.21.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $89.53.  Also, if the stock gets to $91.25 after it triggers set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 71.153 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call resulted in a $1.77 gain.


This call is for the week ending 7.20.07, written on 7.13.07

Altria Group (MO) Short

Short MO between $72.54 and $72.49, target $70.77.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $72.8.  Also, if the stock gets to $71.2 after it triggers set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 71.3 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

There was no trigger for this call.


This call is for the week ending 7.13.07, written on 7.8.07

Caterpillar (CAT) Long

Buy CAT between $78.53 and $78.58, target $81.53.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $78.27.  Also, if the stock gets to $79.14 set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 79.04 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

There was no trigger for this call.

This call is for the week ending 7.6.07, written on 7.1.07

American International Group (AIG) Short

Short AIG between $70.7 and $70.65, target $62.85.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $70.96.  Also, if the stock gets to $69.65 set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 69.75 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call resulted in a $0.63 gain.



This call is for the week ending 6.29.07, written on 6.24.07

Honeywell (HON) Short

Short HON between $55.91 and $55.86, target $48.97.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $56.16.  Also, if the stock gets to $53.5 set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 53.6 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call resulted in a $1 loss


This call is for the week ending 6.22.07, written on 6.14.07

3 M (MMM) Short

Short MMM between $87.93 and $87.88, target $85.31.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $88.19.  Also, if the stock gets to $86 set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 86.1 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.

This call resulted in a $0.76 gain.


This call is for the week ending 6.15.07, written on 6.10.07

Morgan Stanley (MS) Short

6.11: Set a reversal trigger just under 89 if the stock breaks above $89 on Tuesday.  If the stock breaks above $89 set a reversal trigger at $88.97 with the same downside target as below and a .26 stop loss.  Otherwise, let the current call ride.

6.12: MS triggered at 88.97 and we should have a target of $85.4.  We should also have a stop loss at 89.23 just in case the stock moves against us.  Now, adjust the profit stop slightly.  If the stock gets to $86 set a 0.1 trailing profit stop and let the stock ride.

Short MS between $87.23 and $87.18, target $84.35.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at $87.49.  In addition, if the stock gets to $85.4 set a 0.1 trailing profit stop and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it may happen during the week.  Lastly, end the week in cash.  If at the close of the market on Friday this position is still open close it.


This call resulted in a $0.81 loss



This call is for the week ending 6.08.07, written on 6.05.07

QQQQ Short:

(Short) Resistance Plan: Short between 47.55 and 47.60, target 46.76, Stop Loss @ 47.86.

Set a 0.10 profit stop at 46.86 when the stock tests 46.76 and let it ride.  Close the trade on Friday at the end of the day if it is still open at that time.  Repeat this trade 3 times max.

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of QQQQ if it tests 47.60 with a downside target of 46.76. We should have a stop loss in place at 47.86 though in case the stock begins to work against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance 47.60 is being tested, a short signal would exist.

there was no trigger for this call.

This call is for the week ending 6.01.07, written on 5.28.07

KLAC Short:

Short KLAC between 54.11 and 54.06 or between 53.55 and53.5, according to the plans below.

If the stock triggers between 54.11 and 54.06 use 50 as your downside target and a stop loss should be set at 54.47.  However, if the stock gets to 52.66 set a 0.10 trailing profit stop at 52.76 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat it as many times as needed if it stops either by a profit stop, or a stop loss.

If the stock triggers between 53.55 and 53.5 use 50 as your downside target and a stop loss should be set at 53.81.  However, if the stock gets to 52.66 set a 0.10 trailing profit stop at 52.76 and let the trade ride.  Be willing to repeat it as many times as needed if it stops either by a profit stop, or a stop loss.  If the stock stops at 53.81 though and continues to increase to the range listed in the plan in the paragraph above use that as the new entry level for this trade instead.


This call is for the week ending 5.25.07, written on 5.20.07


MMM Short: Release/News_release_TA_0052007.htm   Short MMM between 86.58 and 86.53 or between 88 and 87.95, according to the plans below.

If the stock triggers between 86.58 and 86.53 set a stop loss at 86.84 to protect your position.  Target 85.85 and if that level is tested set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 85.95 and let that trailing profit stop ride.  Also, if this position stops and the '88 range' is tested afterwards, follow the plan below afterwards too.

If the stock triggers between 88 and 87.95 instead set a stop loss at 88.26 to protect your position.  This could happen before or after a test of the '88.58 range.'  Target 85.85 and if that level is tested set a 0.1 trailing profit stop at 85.95 and let that trailing profit stop ride.  If the range between 88 and 87.95 triggers and a profit stop occurs do NOT re-trigger in the '86.58 range' if the stock reverses.

Be willing to re-trigger this trade if it is stopped during the week (stop loss or profit stop).  If the call is still open at the end of the week close the position late in the day on Friday and end the week in cash.

This call resulted in a $0.16 loss


This call is for the week ending 5.18.07, written on 5.13.07


This call replaces the call below

Short MS between 83.97 and 83.92.  Set a stop loss at 84.23 to protect the position.  If MS declines to  82.75 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $82.85 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash. 

This call was revised on 5.17 after the close

Short MS between 83.55 and 83.5.  Set a stop loss at 83.81 to protect the position.  If MS declines to  82.75 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $82.85 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash. 

This call was closed on 5.15.07 after the close.

This call is for the week ending 5.18.07, written on 5.13.07

COF long:   Buy COF between 77.22 and 77.27.  Set a stop loss at 76.96 to protect the position.  If COF increases to  79 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $78.9 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash. 

These calls resulted in a $1.15 loss (4 stops)



This call is for the week ending 5.11.07, written on 5.06.07

CAT long:    Buy CAT between 73.08 and 73.13.  Set a stop loss at 73.82 to protect the position.  If CAT increases to  73.99 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $73.89 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash. 

This call resulted in a $0.64 gain.


This call is for the week ending 5.4.07, written on 4.29.07

YHOO Short:    Short YHOO between 27.64 and 27.59.  Set a stop loss at 27.9 to protect the position.  If YHOO declines to  26.95 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $27.05 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash. 

This call resulted in a $0.26 loss.


This call is for the week ending 4.27.07, written on 4.22.07

GILD Long:    Buy GILD between 82.35 and 82.4.  Set a stop loss at 82.09 to protect the position.  If GILD increases to  83.35 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $83.25 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash. 

This call resulted in a $0.31 loss.

This call is for the week ending 4.20.07, written on 4.16.07

LOW short:    Short LOW between 31.38 and 31.33.  Set a stop loss at 31.64 to protect the position.  If LOW dips to 30.82 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $30.92 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash. 

This call resulted in a $1.09 loss.



This call is for the week ending 4.9.07, written on 4.8.07

JNPR short:    JNPR short: Short JNPR between 21.03 and 20.98.  Set a stop loss at 21.29 to protect the position.  If JNPR dips to 20.44 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $20.54 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash.

This call resulted in a $0.54 gain.



This call is for the week ending 4.6.07, written on 4.2.07

LLTC short:    LLTC short: Short LLTC between 31.7 and 31.65.  Set a stop loss at 31.96 to protect the position.  If LLTC dips to 30.7 set a trailing $0.10 profit stop at $30.8 and let that trailing profit stop ride; this will secure a nice gain.  Repeat this trade if you are stopped by either a stop loss or profit stop as many times as it triggers during the week.  Close the trade if it is still open at the close of business on Friday and end the week in cash.

This call resulted in a $0.57 loss.



This call was for the week ending 3.30.07, written on 3.25.07

 JPM short:   JPM short: Short JPM between 48.33 and 48.27.  If you are triggered set a stop loss at 48.59.  Your downside target should be 46.54.  If you enter JPM at the suggested level and it tests $46.54, set a $0.10 trailing profit stop at $46.64 and let it ride until it stops.  Be willing to repeat this trade if it stops and re-triggers, or if you take profits and it re-triggers, as many times as the trade will work for us.  If the position is still open at the close of business on Friday then close the position and end the week in cash. 

This call resulted in a $0.78 loss.


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