For further examples
of our trading calls and how to follow them, please
visit our Traders
[16:02] <bluemonkey_67> ok...let me know when
you guys are ready...
[16:02] <tayler> what is stop on imcl
[16:02] <bluemonkey_67> I will start the swing
trade chat asap
[16:02] <CarolAnn> ready
[16:03] <MaryA> ready
[16:03] <i_invest> ready
[16:03] <ann> ready
[16:03] <Sailor1> ready
[16:03] <connie> me too
[16:03] <djhathome1> ready
[16:03] <connie> what a down day, so depressed
[16:03] <Mike-e> ready
[16:03] <robertooo> ready
[16:03] <bluemonkey_67> note, get a pen and paper...take
notes and write down your questions....
[16:03] <i_invest> can we write it in notepad?
[16:03] <bluemonkey_67> I will ask for questions
when I am done
[16:04] *** cronos has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:04] <connie> when do we start blue
[16:05] <bluemonkey_66> First thing first, we
are having this educational chat today because it has
become terribly clear that some of you do not understand
how to follow the swing trades. This chat is designed
so all of you walk away with a crystal clear understanding
of this.
[16:05] <bluemonkey_66> For the record, we should
be -3 in our current focus 4 list from Friday (most
all due to VRSN) and including todays action. If you
are trading with 500 shares, that means -$1,500.
[16:05] <bluemonkey_66> If you are down by much
more than that you need to listen to this chat intently.
[16:06] <bluemonkey_66> just so I get an
many are down more than 3 from Friday's entry?
[16:06] <jimbo> me
[16:06] <BuySell> me
[16:06] <CR> me
[16:06] <bird> I am
[16:07] <CarolAnn> probably down over 3 in VRSN,
plus NVDA, and XLNX
[16:07] <connie> not me, cause i did skip some
[16:07] <bluemonkey_66> good, so this chat should
be very worthwhile
[16:07] <LK> me too :(
[16:07] <djhathome1> me either I did not trade
[16:07] <bluemonkey_66> Let's define swing trades
again: Swing Trades are trades that we intend on holding
overnight. We usually set a time frame target on these
trades. And we set an entry and a target price for them
too. Most importantly though, we set a stop for every
[16:07] <roko> me
[16:07] <Mike-e> I am down 2
[16:07] <bluemonkey_66> If your swing trades hits
the stop price you stop no matter what. This requires
that you pay attention.
[16:08] <bluemonkey_66> We limit buys to within
.25 of our target entry prices unless otherwise specified,
and we set stops at .25 under the target price unless
otherwise specified, on every swing trade.
[16:08] <bluemonkey_66> Swing Trades assume a
large amount of risk when we compare them to day trades.
Day trades end in cash every day, so you start the day
fresh every day. But in swing trades, we are exposed
to events that may happen overnight, and this adds risk
to the trades. We'll talk about this more later.
[16:08] <bluemonkey_66> The goal of a swing trade
is to take advantage of the projected Market moves over
time. Often we use contrarian trading strategies in
swing trades because we look for shifts in the Market
[16:08] <bluemonkey_66> We don't pull the entry
levels out of a hat. We only enter a swing trade near
support or resistance levels. This is so we can appropriately
set a stop loss in the trade. We never trade the stock
in between of those defined support and resistance levels
because we would not know where to set our stop limit
if we did.
[16:09] <bluemonkey_66> If we are stopped in any
swing trade, we are always willing re-enter the swing
trade if it reverses to the trigger.
[16:09] <bluemonkey_66> We issue swing trades
in lots of 4. This is called our Focus 4 list. We always
issues 4 swing calls because of diversity reasons. We
never put all our eggs in 1 basket, and we never overweight
any 1 stock in the 4 stocks that we choose.
[16:09] <bluemonkey_66> We trade the same number
of shares of every stock in the focus 4 list. The $$$
amount does not matter, the # of trades is all that
we care about. If you trade 500 shares in 1 position,
trade 500 shares in all 4 of them.
[16:10] <yos> But stop order in Realtick for example
does not stay over night?
[16:10] <Mike-e> This is where I did not follow
[16:10] <bluemonkey_66> We prefer to enter the
swings as close together as we can, and we try to exit
the swings as close together as we can. We also either
have all 4 stocks long or all 4 stocks short, there
is never a mix of long and short.
[16:10] <bluemonkey_66> We set a plan for every
swing trade in our focus list. The plan is exactly like
the plans you make for day trades. You follow each plan
strictly, and you don't think about changing the plans.
[16:10] <bluemonkey_66> Remember, if you have
set plans, you take the emotions out of the trades.
This is very important. You will panic if you don't
have a plan. You will exit incorrectly, or you will
miss your stops, and you will lose money.
[16:11] <bluemonkey_66> The only time you change
theplans are when you implement a profit stop, or when
the stock gaps against you when the Market opens.
[16:11] *** mikel has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:11] <bluemonkey_66> If the stock gaps against
you you will need to make appropriate adjustments. There
is nothing set in stone about this. We will always guide
you on these adjustments.
[16:11] <bluemonkey_66> These are the basics behind
following the swing trades. I know you all have questions
[16:11] <bluemonkey_66> please ask them
[16:12] <mikel> may I?
[16:12] <wonder> why not short andlong balanced
2 & 2
[16:12] <wz> I cannot place a stop price properly.
1. $0.20 for day trade always/ and follow the price
up? 2. how does the stop price follow a moved up price?$0.20,0.25,0.5?
[16:12] <bollocks> what happens when the stop
does not implement
[16:12] <bluemonkey_66> because we do not want
to confuse the objective of taking advatage of mkt conditions
[16:12] <mikel> The mkt is headed down and we
are not re-evaluating our long swings....
[16:12] <BuySell> Ok, tell me exactly how to set
a stop. Explain the activation price and the purchase
or sell price.
[16:13] <djhathome1> .25 stop trigger on $27 stock
as well as $45 dollar stock - wouldn't % be better or
did I misunderstand
[16:13] <yos> The best software like realtick
does not have stop loss that stay over night
[16:13] <bluemonkey_66> if a stop loss does not
trigger because the stock gaps against you, you need
to evaluate the situtation, every situation is different,
and you need to make the appropriate decisions.
[16:14] <bluemonkey_66> I will also help you with
that as i did today with VRSN
[16:14] <bluemonkey_66> but there is no avoiding
that risk
[16:14] <bollocks> so eg vrsn cut your losses
[16:14] <bluemonkey_66> yes re VRSN...
[16:14] <bluemonkey_66> draw the line and say
no more than $x
[16:14] <bollocks> and then just reenter as usual
[16:15] <LenK> BM, if one of the four gets stopped
out, do we keep the other three in the long position?
[16:15] <yos> BM you did not answer my Q
[16:15] <bluemonkey_66> no, use a revised plan...
[16:15] <BuySell> So BM, if our stop is at 40.75
do we make the activation 40.75 and the sale price 40.74
or what?
[16:15] <bluemonkey_66> yes re 1 being stopped
[16:15] <bollocks> whichy you advise
[16:15] <trader8> If the market is in a range,
then why not mix one long with three shorts and vice
versa or 2 and 2. This is just a good hedging technique
for market uncertainty
[16:15] <bluemonkey_66> 40.75 is the level that
provides you the guidance
[16:15] <djhathome1> not clear
[16:15] <bluemonkey_66> you need to make that
decision re pulling the trigger
[16:16] <djhathome1> is that becuase we got it
at different prices
[16:16] <bluemonkey_66> keep the stopsnear .25
away from the trigger
[16:16] <bluemonkey_66> not much more
[16:16] <bluemonkey_66> bollocks, if a stock gaps
against you you need to use a revsised plan
[16:16] <wz> I bought XLNX at 40.12, then it moved
higher, do I place stop to follow the up moving price
by 0.25 or 0.50/
[16:17] <bluemonkey_66> the old plan is shot
[16:17] <bluemonkey_66> trader 8, if you are hedging
the mkt the long and short combinations are fine
[16:17] <bluemonkey_66> but the goal of the focus
4 is not a hedge
[16:17] <bluemonkey_66> it is to take advantage
of mkt moves
[16:17] <trader8> but wouldn't do it when it is
stuck in a range?
[16:17] <bluemonkey_66> per my perception
[16:18] <wz> bm, do you see my question?
[16:18] <bluemonkey_66> not necessarily no, unless
I though we'd stay stuck for a long time
[16:19] <bluemonkey_66> xlnx, we never adjust
the stop unless we implement a profit stop and we never
will implement a profit stop unless the stock moves
past a support or resistance level
[16:19] <bluemonkey_66> our styops and profit
stops are always cenetered around support and resistance
[16:20] <bluemonkey_66> yos, re software...
[16:20] <bluemonkey_66> you need to do whatever
you have to do to keep up with the trades
[16:20] <djhathome1> my question is isn't .25
on a $45 stock really tight for a stop versus a $24
stock - I tend to mentally adjust the stop for the price
of the stock - maybe not a good habit- but I can't sell
that tight
[16:20] <bluemonkey_66> understand that we never
trade in pre mkt or the after mkt so
[16:20] <bluemonkey_66> you have time to figure
it out
[16:20] <yos> which soft ware has stop order that
stay over night?
[16:21] <bluemonkey_66> dj, .25 is the same for
500 shares of a 45 stock as it is in a 25 stock
[16:21] <bluemonkey_66> in $$$ terms
[16:21] <djhathome1> good point
[16:21] <CarolAnn> the stop may "stay"
overnight, but won't trigger unless market is "open"
[16:21] <greg> bm, could you explain us step by
step what we sould off done when we bought VRSN around
29 and market opend well bellow stop.
[16:21] <wz> so xlnx moved up to 41.27 today,
what stop did you place? 40.99?
[16:21] <djhathome1> you gotta get out of bed
and sell like I did at 5 am this morning
[16:21] <bluemonkey_66> greg, what we did is only
what we could have done
[16:21] *** i_invest1 has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:21] <bluemonkey_66> we had no choice
[16:22] <bluemonkey_66> we were forced to take
the loss
[16:22] <bluemonkey_66> xz, there were no stops
placed in xlnx, it was and is when it re-triggers, a
5-day hold or longer
[16:22] <bluemonkey_66> as descibed in the trading
[16:22] <bluemonkey_66> does everyone know how
to read the trading call?
[16:22] <wz> so always 39.75?
[16:23] <i_invest1> bm, I think one reason, I
and other people may lose money is because we use the
market predicition to guide other trades
[16:23] <bluemonkey_66> no, the stop is always
.25 under the trigger unlessotherwise advised
[16:23] <i_invest1> the swing calls are good,
and what you said makes sense
[16:23] <i_invest1> and understood
[16:23] <ulala> agree invest1
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> yes maybe so
[16:24] <jimbo> I also buy few others too
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> swing trades are very
different than day trades are
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> they are different anuimals
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> animals
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> completely
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> night and day
[16:24] <ulala> invest1, I think it is exactly
what you said
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> you need to go with the
flow in day trades
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> and we can be contrarian
in swing trades
[16:24] <bluemonkey_66> you need to think about
them seperately
[16:25] <bluemonkey_66> if you combine them you
will fail
[16:25] <bluemonkey_66> this means that you need
a seperate swing trading account
[16:25] <ulala> I love BM'swing trade perfectly
[16:25] <bluemonkey_66> seperate the $$$$
[16:25] <i_invest1> bm, I think if you can spend
as much energy on sup/res in market analysis as in individual
stocks, we can do better
[16:25] <wz> in your guide lessen: profit stop
should be used when a trade is profit by at least $0.
[16:25] <wz> 50
[16:26] <bluemonkey_66> guide, that is for day
trades, not for swing trades
[16:26] <bluemonkey_66> the profit stop section
reflects day trades
[16:26] <wz> ok. got it
[16:26] *** rmpeach has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:26] <bluemonkey_66> lets step back...
[16:26] <i_invest1> ok
[16:26] <bluemonkey_66> what happened today?????
Answer....we were on the wrong side....
[16:27] <bluemonkey_66> this is part of the business
[16:27] <yos> again I want to tell me which software
that give you stop order to stay over night. otherwise
all this chat is not evective?
[16:27] <bluemonkey_66> and we need to accept
days like this
[16:27] <bluemonkey_66> answer yos...
[16:27] <bluemonkey_66> yos, all you need to do
is to place a good until canceled order to stop
[16:27] <bluemonkey_66> but
[16:27] <bluemonkey_66> you don't sound like you
know how to do that
[16:28] <bluemonkey_66> so you need to call your
broker and ask them
[16:28] <bluemonkey_66> do so now
[16:28] <bluemonkey_66> please
[16:28] <bluemonkey_66> this is a basic function
of trading yos
[16:28] <bluemonkey_66> re the right side wrong
[16:28] <BuySell> BM, you never did tell me the
exact method to place a stop. like activation price
and actual sale price, how much difference.
[16:28] <wz> so, for swing, after buy, do not
move stop, right? untill reach target? or pass by Res/
[16:28] <wz> ?
[16:29] <i_invest1> please let bm finish
[16:29] <yos> in the best soft ware like realtick
which I use there is no Good until cancel?
[16:29] <bluemonkey_66> right wz...unless otherwise
[16:29] <bird> whats confusing with the swings
is that if target is 5 and current price is 2 and even
though entry price is 1, isn't ok to buy @2 ... especially
when you said to reenter if stopped?
[16:29] <trader8> Swing trades need to be generated
off the daily and weekly charts only. They need to be
in allignment with both the index and the futures? Is
that right?
[16:29] <bluemonkey_66> buysell, if you have a
stock triggered at 40, and it moves to 39.75, you stop...
[16:30] <bluemonkey_66> bird, absolutely not!!!!!!!!!!
[16:30] <wz> so, I think you should give us SUP/RES
for swing
[16:30] <CarolAnn> Blue, many here, including
me, are placing "hard" stops, not mental ones
[16:30] <bluemonkey_66> we buy at a target price
because that price is near support or resistance
[16:31] <BuySell> Ok, here is another question.
If the Entry is near 41 and we get stopped at 40.75,
where is the re-entry? 41? and the same stop price?
[16:31] <bluemonkey_66> hard stops in swings is
probably it at 39.75, .25 under, if your entry
was 40
[16:31] *** Ken-is-away is now known as Ken
[16:31] <bluemonkey_66> right buysell
[16:31] <bluemonkey_66> swings are based on 3-month
charts or longer
[16:31] <bluemonkey_66> not 5 day or 10 days charts
[16:31] <wz> I mean after buy and price moving
up, We should know the nest RES
[16:32] <trader8> daily not intraday
[16:32] <wz> you should place that
[16:32] <bluemonkey_66> wz, when I give you the
target it reflects resistance
[16:32] <i_invest1> bm ....
[16:32] <bluemonkey_66> I'm not understanding
your question trader8...
[16:32] <i_invest1> wz wants multiple possible
entry points
[16:33] <bluemonkey_66> invest, you only get one...
[16:33] <bluemonkey_66> xz, only one
[16:33] <miked> wz also wants traiing stops
[16:33] *** ramrod has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:33] <bluemonkey_66> I will never recommend
that you chase
[16:33] <bluemonkey_66> ever
[16:33] <wz> as xlnx target is 47, beteen 40 and
47, we do not move stop?
[16:33] <miked> trailing stops
[16:33] <bluemonkey_66> but if you want to trail
them with stops, go for it
[16:33] <bluemonkey_66> that is fine
[16:33] <bluemonkey_66> not unless a resistance
or support levels forms between 40-47
[16:34] <i_invest1> bm.. I got a question ...
re being on wrong side
[16:34] <bluemonkey_66> note, I like to use channel
support lines
[16:34] <miked> But then if he gets stopped out
somewhere btw entry and target, he won'tknow where to
get back in.
[16:34] <djhathome1> like bollinger bands?
[16:34] <bluemonkey_66> right miked
[16:34] <wz> as you do, you do not place a stop
beteen 40 and 47, right?
[16:35] <i_invest1> do we have hard rules (same
as we have with stocks sup/res) when it comes to the
market as a whole?
[16:35] <bluemonkey_66> the mkt is a different
anumal than individual stocks...
[16:35] <bluemonkey_66> so not as firm no...but
generally yes
[16:36] <bluemonkey_66> right wz
[16:36] <bluemonkey_66> unless otherwise advised...
[16:36] *** CA2 has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:36] *** i_invest has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:36] <bluemonkey_66> note: I rarely hold the
stocks to their targets
[16:36] <bluemonkey_66> it is not normal to do
[16:36] <bluemonkey_66> because I like locking
in gains
[16:36] <i_invest> damn, sry bm, I missed your
response :(
[16:36] <i_invest> I got kicked out
[16:36] <wz> good. I got it.
[16:37] <bluemonkey_66> a whole?
[16:37] <bluemonkey_66> <bluemonkey_66>
the mkt is a different animal than individual stocks...
[16:37] <bluemonkey_66> <bluemonkey_66>
so not as firm no...but generally yes
[16:37] <miked> If we had sup/res waypoints btw
entry and tgt we could get trail stopped and get back
in higher than entry.
[16:37] <bluemonkey_66> miked, I give you a chart
now in the focus 4 section
[16:37] <bluemonkey_66> every night
[16:37] <bluemonkey_66> the chart is designed
to show you what I see
[16:37] <miked> It would be more complicated,
but would you consider that?
[16:37] <bluemonkey_66> have you looked at them?
[16:37] <miked> I look at them every night.
[16:37] <wz> so, by the market closing, xlnx was
stop out for eveyone?
[16:38] <trader8> Correct me if I'm wrong but
don't we want to be on the right side of the naz and
the futs?
[16:38] <bluemonkey_66> so the lines there represent
the levels that you are looking for
[16:38] <bluemonkey_66> right wz
[16:38] <miked> I have taken profits in swings
and reentered.
[16:38] <bluemonkey_66> trader8, we want to make
money, that's the goal :-)...
[16:38] <bluemonkey_66> but
[16:38] <bluemonkey_66> I prefer being contrarian
to the mkt in swings
[16:39] <miked> And I've made some costly errors.
[16:39] <bluemonkey_66> because I like finding
turning pointsin the mkt to implement swings
[16:39] <bluemonkey_66> right side today may be
the wrong side tomorrow
[16:39] *** connie has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:39] <wz> tomorrow, we will enter again if
it reach 40or high?
[16:39] <wz> xlnx.
[16:39] <bluemonkey_66> and swings are designed
for tomorrow not today
[16:39] <bluemonkey_66> day trades though require
going with the flow
[16:39] <i_invest> how d o you determine "turning
[16:39] <bluemonkey_66> wz, it will be triggered
at 40 yes
[16:40] <bluemonkey_66> turning points, it is
a combination of news, sentiment, sup/res levels in
the mkt....
[16:40] <bluemonkey_66> economy, yada yada
[16:40] <trader8> The reason I asked is that the
200 sma on the naz was run at over the previous two
day and could not be broached. A doji was put in yesterday
after the second attempt failed. Is this a turning point?
[16:40] <bluemonkey_66> it all has a role in the
[16:40] <djhathome1> can you explain "neutral"
[16:41] <bluemonkey_66> it has been thus far
turning from yesterday
[16:41] <bluemonkey_66> not in this chat no dj,
ask alexs in the new trader chat tomorrow
[16:41] <trader8> and the day before
[16:41] <djhathome1> ok
[16:41] <i_invest> I agree with trader8, so why
didn't we adjust our swings
[16:42] <bluemonkey_66> I didn't feel it was right
[16:42] <Mike-e> BM, what about trading in after
hours ? If something looks bad or a stock moves in a
way that you want to exit
[16:42] <bluemonkey_66> I don't trust any after
hours trading at all...
[16:42] <connie> sorry if this question has been
asked. i've been gone for a while. in the case we wake
up and find our swing opens ways lower than stop limit
and did not get excuted. do we sell right away, like
in vrsn today
[16:42] <wz> new trader chat begins at 7:30am?
[16:43] <bluemonkey_66> connie, we need to make
revisions and evaluate each situation independently
[16:43] <bluemonkey_66> I will guide you as I
did with vrsn today
[16:43] <bluemonkey_66> yes re new trader chat\
[16:43] <bluemonkey_66> Pacific Time
[16:44] <bluemonkey_66> let me know what errors
some of you made that created the >3 point loss....
[16:44] <connie> but i did not catch it when you
guided us. and by the time i turned on the computer,
i can not see your messages
[16:44] <bluemonkey_66> it was sent in the e-mail
too connie
[16:45] <i_invest> bm, how much does the Nasdaq
T/A affect the swing calls?
[16:45] <LenK> i am not getting e mail alertys
[16:45] <connie> really.
[16:45] <bluemonkey_66> please check your e-mail
addressin the admin area
[16:45] *** joestock has joined #stocktradersdaily
[16:45] <bluemonkey_66> invest, everything plays
a role
[16:46] <bluemonkey_66> I am not bias to anything
[16:46] <bluemonkey_66> this is really what I
[16:46] <bluemonkey_66> here is as much of insight
to my analysis as i can give you
[16:47] <bluemonkey_66> I think about what is
going to be important to the mkt going forward
[16:47] <bluemonkey_66> near term
[16:47] <bluemonkey_66> and I look at charts,
new etc...
[16:47] <bluemonkey_66> I formulate an opinion
based on what I find
[16:47] <bluemonkey_66> and I make decisions based
on that opinion
[16:47] <bluemonkey_66> if I am wrong, the stops
will tell me
[16:47] <bluemonkey_66> the idea is to be right
more than we are wrong of course
[16:48] <bluemonkey_66> but if we are wrong
[16:48] <bluemonkey_66> so what
[16:48] <bluemonkey_66> it is part of the business
[16:48] <ulala> agre BM
[16:48] <i_invest> I agree too
[16:48] <djhathome1> and the tight stops keep
losses small
[16:49] <bluemonkey_66> remember this guys...
[16:49] <bluemonkey_66> our last swing was +16.1
[16:49] <bluemonkey_66> this one so far is -3
[16:49] <connie> when i put stop loss on a stock
, i can not sell that stock when rotts say scalp it.
i would have to cancel the stop loss first then sell.
by that time the selling price has changed. usually
down . what do i do in this case
[16:49] <i_invest> I was just concerned that we
are fighting the market
[16:49] <bluemonkey_66> we are not hurting at
[16:49] <bluemonkey_66> connie we are not taking
about day trades here sorry
[16:49] <ulala> no, I never complaint with your
swings at all BM
[16:50] <bluemonkey_66> I like contrarian swing
trades invest
[16:50] <i_invest> and part of it is because we
were so right about the last swing, we maybe too confident
about current "read" on market
[16:50] <bluemonkey_66> I think swings need to
be contrarian in fact
[16:50] <bluemonkey_66> maybe true yes
[16:50] <LenK> when do you update the "notes"
in the swing call table during the day?
[16:50] <bluemonkey_66> no, when I make the call
[16:51] <bluemonkey_66> I know many of you seemed
anxious and worried
[16:51] <bluemonkey_66> but we make the planbs
for these trades so it doesn't matter
[16:51] <bluemonkey_66> if you are worried, exit
the trades
[16:51] <bluemonkey_66> but always remember that
you have a plan
[16:51] <bluemonkey_66> and the plan is designed
to be followed
[16:52] <bluemonkey_66> if we are wrong, our plan
will take us out with little harm
[16:52] <bluemonkey_66> but if we are right the
plans will let us participate quite nicely
[16:52] <bluemonkey_66> keep your heads up guys...this
wasn't that bad
[16:52] <bluemonkey_66> we just need to grasp
those emotional ties :-)
[16:53] <bluemonkey_66> and it's tough
[16:53] <ulala> I think to patien and follow your
swing call's plan should pay for my living BM
[16:53] <bluemonkey_66> lol...
[16:53] <i_invest> my bad bm, I was bullish per
our market call, and didn't exit on time, that and vrsn
is what hurt me
[16:53] <bluemonkey_66> Are there any remaining
[16:54] <bluemonkey_66> invest, I was and am bullish
through the end of March
[16:54] <bluemonkey_66> today has not changed
[16:54] <ulala> i think yours are clear for
[16:54] <i_invest> cool
[16:54] <bluemonkey_66> but...
[16:54] <bluemonkey_66> if I'm wrong my stops
are set to protect us...
[16:55] <i_invest> but, just to be sure, you are
considering everything, including technicals, right?
[16:55] <bluemonkey_66> everything yes
[16:55] <i_invest> thats all I want to know
[16:55] <bluemonkey_66> I hope this helped some
of you...
[16:55] <bluemonkey_66> I know down days are a
[16:55] <bluemonkey_66> if we're not short
[16:56] <bluemonkey_66> but we will be wrong from
time to time
[16:56] <bluemonkey_66> but we won't be hurt that
[16:56] <ulala> that is true BM
[16:56] <bluemonkey_66> take the lumps and live
to fight another day
[16:56] <bluemonkey_66> Good luck manana
[16:56] <bluemonkey_66> I'll see you all early
[16:56] <ulala> life is still long of days
[16:57] <ulala> thanks BM
[16:57] <i_invest> later, ty
[16:57] <yos> BM I still have NVDA, VRSN and Xlnx
what do think tomorrow
[16:57] <ulala> good bye guys
[16:57] <bluemonkey_66> I think you need to have
had a plan for these
[16:57] <bluemonkey_66> do you have one?
[16:57] <ann> are you not bullish after march?
[16:58] <yos> Yes but I am not sure about NVDA
are you
[16:59] <ann> BM?
[16:59] <miked> BM, re NVDA do you think holding
it for a week or two is better than taking a 5 pt loss
[16:59] <ann> r u not bullish after march?
[16:59] <bluemonkey_66> 5 pt loss...excuse my
french, but that's a shitty trade
[17:00] <miked> That it is.
[17:00] <bluemonkey_66> we lost all of .5 in nvda
[17:00] <bluemonkey_66> because we used stops
[17:00] <bluemonkey_66> take it as a lesson
[17:00] <bluemonkey_66> you may lose more easily
[17:00] <miked> Well, I tried to make the most
of short term increases and ended up chasing it to get
[17:01] <miked> back in.
[17:01] <miked> Then by the time I tuned in this
a.m. it was down enough to make me freeze like a deer
in the headlights.
[17:02] <bluemonkey_66> miked, as always and for
everyone in your situation I advise taking your losses
[17:02] <bluemonkey_66> and never ever do that
[17:02] <bluemonkey_66> if you miss a recocvery,
so what
[17:02] <miked> thx
[17:02] <bluemonkey_66> you messed up
[17:02] <bluemonkey_66> learn a lesson
[17:02] <bluemonkey_66> and follow the plans from
now on
[17:02] <bluemonkey_66> period
[17:03] <miked> I know. It's a discipline and
attentiveness problem.
[17:04] <miked> So what do you think the prognosis
is. For NVDA?
[17:04] <bluemonkey_67> the first step to recovery
is to admit you have a problem, lol
[17:04] <bluemonkey_67> I doesn't really matter
what I think
[17:04] <miked> Is there a 12 step program for
[17:04] <bluemonkey_67> but I do think that the
next sup appears at 24
[17:05] <bluemonkey_67> have a good one...bye
[17:05] <miked> okay. thx again.