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 Tutorial - quick version

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The Tortoise & The Hare: We value the concept of taking small gains and maintaining solid defense all of the time.

The intent of this tutorial to to get you up to speed with using our system immediately so that you can start making money.   Therefore we are going to jump right into it.  We are going to create a mock portfolio and we are going to apply the concepts.  For sake of example, we are using our Day Trading (hedged) alerts viewer.  However, these same concepts are directly applicable to all other viewers as well (day trading or swing trading).

Our alerts viewers do everything for you but place the trade.  Let them work for you.

You should paper trade using these concepts:

  • Mock Portfolio:  $100,000 in cash.  Day Trading Margin = 4x1.  We have enough buying power to trade 4 positions.  We will use 1000 shares per trade.  We will use the same number of shares for every trade no matter what the price of the stock.  We will end every day in cash (day trades only).  We will never diverge from this strategy.

  • We will open the alert viewer (Day Trading hedged):

  • We will leave that viewer open (minimized is fine) on our computer all day.

  • When we hear a beep we will view the alerts page.  The page will give us a trading alert with 6 stocks, each of which have defied trading plans.

  • We will trade the first stock on the list unless the stock is not in our range (or unless it was already called).  If the call is to buy xyz @ 30 the buy range is between 30 - 30.05.  Below 30 = avoid.  Above 30.05 = avoid.  The rage is always 0.05.

  • If we cannot trade the first stock on the list we go to the next one.

  • When a trade triggers we immediately place a stop loss at the recommended level in the trading call.  The stop is based on the entry suggestion, not on your actual entry price.

  • We watch the stock from here.  When we have $0.35 in profits we set a 0.10 trailing profit stop and let the stock ride.  This secures our gains. (profit stops are 1 point for swing trades)

  • If new calls are made we execute them according to the recommended plan.

  • We watch for a close alert to tell us to exit these trades.  We exit trades either when a close alert sounds or when a trailing profit stop hits.

  • There will never be more than 4 calls outstanding at once.

  • If a trade stops we do NOT re-enter it.

  • Trade every call, every day.

If you stick to the plans we provide you should make excellent money.  Paper trade first, get the hang of it, then apply your skills using our system.

For help with these topics please e-mail , we will personally help you use our system.

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