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 Tutorial - Less Active Traders

Less active Traders typically are persons who cannot watch the Market close enough to buy and sell day trades or swing trades when Market signals tell them to.  They may want to, but they simply are unable to give trading the attention it deserves.  You still have an interest in the stock Market though, and you know opportunities exist.

For less active Traders we have 3 distinct services.

  1. Market Timing Reports

  2. Single Stock Reports

  3. Daily Featured Stock Recommendations

Market Timing Reports:  Our Market Timing Reports will tell you what we think the Market is going to do during the next day, during the next week, and over the course of the next few months.  This report should be used to develop a sentiment towards the stock market.  You can access this report on our Club Page:

Single Stock Reports: We offer detailed trading reports on 1300 different stocks.  These are at your fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Use these reports like this: if you know you want to buy a stock, use these report for that stock to tell you where to buy it and to tell you where your sell target should be.  These reports are based on technical trading parameters and are highly accurate.  They don't tell you what to trade, but they tell you how to trade.  These reports can be accessed using the 1300 stocks link in the clubsite:

Daily Featured Stock:  Every day we pinpoint a stock which is likely to move significantly.  We give you trading recommendations, stop losses, and price targets.  These are derived directly from our reports for that stock.  We provide this information to you the night before.  You can use this information to program your brokerage account or trading platform to execute trades in that stock according to our guide.  The trade will happen without you being there.  You won't have to watch the Market at all.  The featured stocks can be found in the 1300 stocks link every night.


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