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Chat Room - A Specialist in Technical Analysis

Stock Traders Daily has used chat rooms in the past to facilitate Market Guide, but, over time, we have found chat rooms to be a distraction to most traders and a deterrent from maintaining focus and discipline. Therefore, Stock Traders Daily has discontinued the use of chat rooms in favor of a concise and disciplined strategy.

This strategy is simple:

Determine when and how to trade by reviewing the Trading Parameters

When the Trading Parameters tell you when to trade, go to the Focus List and find a trading idea.

Note: The underlying discipline and the rules associated with the recommendations that you will receive come directly from our Market Guide. Please review that Guide by clicking here: GUIDE

Although the past results are no guarantee of future results, Stock Traders Daily has been accurate at determining turning points in the Markets by using technical analysis in the past. These turning points are reflected directly in the Trading Parameters referenced above.

Click here to review the Trading Parameters and Focus List:


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